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The water lapped quietly, now. Barely a scream to be heard over the crackling of the fire. A fire set by my own people, purely evil. There we stood, hand in hand against our greatest fear. The fear I promised with my entire heart I would run with him through, again and again. I made a promise to this boy.

The last raft floated next to us, and small waves sounded against its inflation. Above all, I heard my heart. Felt it. Beating over my fear, anger and guilt. In my throat I felt it.

Spider now stood facing me with his deadly eyes. The same eyes I fell for long before. Seeing him again, hurting, grieving, it never occurred to me what he would become such a large part of my life; such a large part of my heart.

"Did you mean it? That you don't care I didn't tell you. I couldn't." I said to him. My hands squeezed his as we stood there on the beach. Without a doubt the team was waiting for us, but they can't leave without Spider.

He licked his lips before speaking to me, looking deeply into my eyes.

"I meant it. Every word, I've wanted to tell you forever." He confessed. I felt sweat pooling in our palms while we stood there. Hand in hand, heart to heart.

"You wanted to tell me, what?" I said to him confused. Although I remembered his speech, my anxiety scared it out from my memory.

"I wanted to tell you..." he starts. My hands shook as I awaited his words. The beat of my heart shook me to the core, booming. Loudly.

"That I love you." He whispered, pulling me closer to him.

"It hurt me to see you all of these weeks. Grey, I wanted to tell you." He confessed again. I felt the beating start to become louder. My hands held him tightly.

My eyes searched for more words behind the clouds in his brown eyes. Feelings swirled between us, the air was thick and heavy. It felt as if taking one breath would be my last the way my heart skipped.

"I wish I could kiss you. I wish I could feel you again." I sighed to him with lust in my voice.

Suddenly I felt him becoming nervous. The air between us fell scarce, and his breathing began shallow. Rising quickly, stationary, out with a heavy breeze. He breathed against the fog in his mask.

His hands searched for my face, gripping it. I felt his thumbs sliding along the edges of my skin outside of the mask. How I longed to feel him against my skin, in all of his body.

"But I can't love you." He started, pushing stray hairs from my ears.

"What?" I asked him. My heart skipped again, this time with fear.

"I can't love a girl who won't tell me she loves me back!" He smiled. Relief dropped from every inch of my body. In my haste, I hadn't even noticed. How this must have felt to him...

"But I know it. I can see it in your eyes and feel it in your body. I won't make you say it, Grey. But I want you to know that the way I feel for you triumphs over everything. The forest, my friends. You've become like a home to me." He finishes, pulling his hands down from my face to my shoulders.

I couldn't speak. Everything I wanted in this moment burned inside of me, badly. I could feel it in my heart the way I felt for this boy. It wasn't a crush, no.

The way my body reacted to his touch, his breath and his presence. The way that I was never judged or disrespected, always handled with consent, yet still powerful on my own.

"I love you. I see you, Miles." I spoke to him this way for the first time.

"Say it like you mean it. I taught you better than that, love." He smiled, with a furrow in his forehead. His voice was deep and serious. With that name, my heart fluttered. Not just my heart, I felt that warm feeling again as he treated me like his own.

"Oel ngati kameie. I see you, Spider." I repeated to him in Na'vi.

"That's my girl." He spoke, caressing my waist. His body rested against mine, pressing every inch of our skin together. It felt like fire.

How badly I wanted to kiss him, I couldn't tell you. My body erupted in feelings I have never felt before. Longing. Aching.

Spider guided me to the raft, helping me in. He dusted the sand from the back of my legs and pushed us off. Into the splashing water, we approached the ship.

"Remember what we said, through hell and back." Spider repeated to me, grabbing my hand as we were tied off, entering the ship.

Nodding, we stepped into the large grey base. Hand in hand, heart to heart.

AN: so sorry for a shorter chapter and late update 😣

I was having some trouble picking out MY SENIOR SCHEDULE IM GRADUATING YALL!!!!

How did you feel about this chapter? Is it moving too fast, too slow? Let me know ❤️❤️ all suggestions welcome, love.

Don't forget to vote if you enjoyed it!

Have a great day/ night wherever you are. Much love -A.❤️

Foreign: Spider SocorroTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon