Part 2: 8

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The flight home would be long, excruciatingly long. Hearing Lo'ak and Spider talking about Earth made it even worse.

"You two don't know a thing, come on." I groaned, throwing my head back into Lo'aks chest.
"Then tell me!" He whined, ringing out the ends of his words.
Rolling my eyes, I began to shift myself around, facing Lo'ak and Spider.
"Okay..." I started, placing my hands in front of me dramatically.

"First, we don't wear this on Earth, you know that. Back home, girls would wear long pants with holes in them on purpose. And the tops, pretty much the same. Before I was transferred here I had many earrings, similar to your mother, Lo'ak." I said, moving my hair to show them my ears.

"But, Mom only had one." Lo'ak said, speaking in a knowingly tone.
I scoffed, slapping him on the shoulder.

"You know what I mean." I smiled, thinking back to my home.

"So... you didn't wear this, you didn't carry these..." Lo'ak said, placing a hand on his sheath and shaking it.
"And you didn't live outside. Sounds boring to me, bro." He shrugged.

"Trust me, I would choose this over Earth any day. There's barely any green there, anymore. It's very sad." I confessed, trying to picture them a wasteland of a planet.
"Nothing compares to this." Spider chimed in, placing a hand on Lo'aks shoulder and peeking himself over.

"Right, monkey boy." Lo'ak said, flicking Spider's hand from his shoulder.


"How far out is Norm? He's carrying that link room, right? We can't stay in the hut forever, we need air." Spider laughed, looking out from behind the Ikran.
We've flown over seas, approaching the clearest waters of each village below. Not much time left, now.

"Yeah, he's about a few minutes ahead. He said there are supplies in there to last you guys the month it will take to prepare the village for your transition. It's not going to be easy on my family either. You know how Mom feels about you guys, even if she doesn't show it." Lo'ak confessed, keeping his eyes straight ahead to the water.

"Right." Spider agreed, sitting back down behind Lo'ak.

"A month?" I asked, looking to the water where Lo'ak peered.
He sighed, closing his eyes for a moment.
"You guys need to link to the Avatar's, so they know there will be no complications. Dad talks about it sometimes." Lo'ak answered, opening his eyes again.

"Oh, right." I lied, pretending to agree with the statement.

"You don't know what that means, do you?" Spider exclaimed, peeking his head underneath Lo'aks arm.
His facial expression scrunched his nose, tilting his head to see my face.

"No, I don't." I started, before being interrupted by Lo'ak.
"Well, you'll have to figure it out later. There's Norm, we're here." Lo'ak smiled, turning back to Spider with a laugh.

"Shit! I can't believe it, it's happening." I laughed, watching the lab rotate on a small beach, out on a sandbar near the village.
My heart raced in my throat, beating so loudly it covered the blades of the chopper, cutting through the air.

"Bro, I can't believe you're actually going to do it." Lo'ak whispered, turning his head back to Spider. The boys exchanged smiles, watching the men down below fighting with the lab. I felt their excitement, fear and wonder about what the future would bring to us. Their secretive nature between each other worried me, chasing away the moment of happiness and replacing it with guilt.

"Are you worried?" Spider asked, placing his hand over my arm. He started with his fingers, pressing them into his palm.
Shaking my head, words ceased to escape my dry mouth.

"Me too." Lo'ak said, looking between Spider and I.

"Me too." He repeated, pursing his lips.


"So you guys will need to keep it clean in here, don't mess around with the equipment you don't know about. There are cameras for you, first link will be tomorrow. Max and I will call in on here at 0600 tomorrow, make sure one of you answer it?" Norm said, turning on a large monitor.

"Yes, sir." Spider smiled, nudging me with his arm.

"The village people will be going about their day, so try to stay away from them. They won't know it's you until your commune with Eywa, stay within this sand bank, okay?" Norm finished, handing Spider and I both a camera.

"The Sully's will be here with you, don't do anything stupid. Especially, don't let Lo'ak do anything... we can't have harm come to the bodies before you transition." Norm said, placing his hands on his hips before us.

"Right. Of course, we won't." I stressed, giving a harsh look to Spider.
Norm nodded his head, turning back to the other side of the room.

"These are the links. Max will guide you through the process once we see your faces on that page. Now, you two try not to have too much fun. I'm trust you, Grey." Norm finished again, pointing to me. His hands slipped on a mask, walking outside the lab.

"I can't believe it!" Spider laughed, flopping down onto the small bed.
Running my hands through my hair, I turned back to him, a smile on my face.

"We've got one month left, monkey. Calm down." I smiled, sitting onto the bed next to him. His body shuffled over, looking to the top of the bed.

"One month." He sighed, closing his eyes.


"Look at this! This camera has memory on it, Grey. How do you plug it in?" Spider asked, flipping on many lights throughout the lab.Things from our hut scattered throughout the floor of the room, gathered from the hours after Norm left us here.

Standing from the bed, I tripped over pouches and piles of shells.

"Yeah, that cord in your left hand. It goes here." I smiled, standing behind him and placing my hands over his.
The cord clicked, plugging into the large monitor. A holographic image appeared on the screen, showing a faint body.

"What is it?" Spider asked, making room on the chair next to him.
I sat down on his leg, leaning forward onto the desk.
"Oh my, gosh." I gasped, feeling the breath hitch in my throat.I felt the color draining form every inch of my face, fingers and chest going cold. Frozen in terror.

"What? What is it? Hey?" Spider yelled, shaking my frozen body. His hands felt like tingles across my skin, unable to pull me from my trance. The recording came from its static, showing the screen in full display. Not a pore skipped over, a hair or a pixel.
It spoke, cracking at the noise.

"My name is Grey. Grey Cadman. I was sent here from Earth as part of an experiment.

They told me only two things.

'Don't be afraid,' and 'Never disobey your orders.'"

Never disobey your orders.

AN: idk why I had this idea but DUH DUH DUH

How did you feel about this chapter? I'm kind of excited to see where this mew memory spider is going to make is taking their story. Maybe it will help him understand her better😼everything she has been through, brining them closer, definitely.

I hope you enjoyed! I will be writing a small summary of each day, for 30 days.
Each day with a small moment IM SO EXCITED

I'm also really sad because there's like 10 chapters left NOOOO

but the end of the book will be VERY GOOD.

Much love- A.❤️

Foreign: Spider SocorroUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum