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The path pulsed with light as I looked deep into the forest. Many plants lit up with small pricks of light.
I looked down to see my feet lighting underneath, almost like my body was glowing.

"Woah." I laughed as I bent down the feel the ground.
My gaze followed the small pricks of light on the plants.
The forest seemed dark and scary during the day, but the trees just shaded it. It was glowing with sunlight in certain spots and bioluminescence in others.

As I felt the soft dirt I landed on moments earlier a twig snapped from my left.
A large dark figure blurred and moved quickly.
Within a second, I was on my feet and running. I followed the path out of instinct.

For many minutes I ran. My heart pounded in every part of my body. Jumping over plants and logs, under branches and through the bushes.
The path went on.

I looked back to see the dark figure still following me, it was slowly creeping.
Being almost 5 times larger than me, it did not have to run.
Growling and snarling it picked up its pace.

In my moments looking back I had not seen a large log in front of me, and that the path had changed.
Stubbing my left foot into the logo fee forward.
The creature crept faster as I shuffled on the ground in pain.

It began to close in..

"No. Oh my god." I screamed.
"Someone help! No!" I cried.
I pushed myself back and began to crawl away from the creature. I looked behind me to spot the path climbing up a tree.

You're kidding..

The breath of the creature was hot on my body now.

"Oh shit." I croaked as my body shook. I turned my head slowly to see a large animal.
Almost dog like, it crept closer to my face.
Frozen in terror, not even blinking, I stared deeply into its eyes.

Growling and drooling on me it froze. It did not blink.

"Shit." I whispered, moving my body away from the animal by sucking in my stomach.
I'm dead.

As the animal sniffed and stared it only crept closer. The distance between us closed as it's long face touched my chest.
My body shook hard enough to cause a quake. My eyes were dry, yet years streamed down my face.

"Please." I pleaded as I looked into the animals eyes.
I shut my eyes tight when it looked up at me. It whined and growled and I opened them right away.

The animal shut it eyes just as I had and opened them to my gaze.
For a moment it seemed the animal was young, not violent.

"Oh." I gasped with a shaking smile. Panic still tingled in my face, but it wasn't as strong as before.
I laid back on my elbows and kept my body still. The animal crept closer and touched its nose to me again.
Closing its eyes it inhaled deeply.

The spikes on its neck and back laid down and it sighed.
A weight seemed to lift from my body, and I sighed as well.

"You don't hurt me." I said with a shaky voice.

The eyes of the animal opened. They glistened with white dots.

What is going on?

With a small growl it backed away a few steps. My eyes began to close in black. It was going in for the kill.
But it wasn't.
It seemed to bow slightly, revealing a distinct dot on its head.

I read somewhere in the lab that female often have distinct markings. Maybe it applies here. I thought to myself as she raised her body.

I began to stand up slowly and face the animal. I furrowed my eyebrows and lowered just my head.
I didn't know if this would work...

The creature approached me and stood almost buffed.

"What am I doing?" I asked myself out loud.
As I whispered, her ears perked and she crept closer. Her body grazed mine horizontally. Her body weight pressed into me, almost knocking me over.

"Woah! Hey, you're huge! Calm down!" I laughed. Fear left my body now. I was lighter. Such a stupid thing to do, but there was something about this that called me.

"Maybe." I said out loud with a slight smirk.

I lifted my scratched foot and set it on a small log next to me. I lightly touched the creature and she looked back to me.

"I need help." I said to her.

I pressed my hands into her side and pushed myself up.
Up almost 3 feet I hovered my body over hers.
This is going to be the most painful thing ever. I hunched myself over and sat on the creatures back.

Please, don't kill me.

I sat on the creature like a horse and grabbed small spikes on her neck. She looked back and bowed slightly again.
"Can you help me follow that path?" I asked with a whisper.

I'm fucking crazy. I thought to myself.

The creature huffed and took a large step. She flexed under me and began to walk.
Holding my breath, the path continued on.

Maybe they were right. Nothing will hurt a human girl.

Or was there something more?


As the path came to an end deep in the forest I slid off the animal.

"Thank you." I whispered to her as she walked away.

The path led me to many footsteps in the mud. If it was worth trying to find our guy, I would do it.
It would get me out of here faster.
I followed the heavy steps until they disappeared into grass.

Great. I thought.

"What do I do now?" I said to myself, looking around.
A purple plant with little moving parts stuck out to my left.


They never had anything like this on Earth.
I followed a large group of plants instantly.
As I approached a similar plant, I almost heard a small voice coming from my front.

"I'm telling. You're not supposed to go to the battlefield. I'll tell mom if you don't let me come!" The voice spoke annoyingly.

As I jumped up, it registered in me.

"Kids? Oh, my gosh." I gasped with a small smile.
Running towards the voice, I tried to follow them.
They were faster than I ever would be. Up a small root I climbed behind them from a distance. Their footprints still in the moss.
Deeper and higher up the roots they seemed to climb.
This is batshit crazy.

As their voices came to a stop, I hid myself quickly. Behind a tree, I tried to catch my first glance.

Carrying bows and knives, it was a group of 3. As my feet tingled, I stayed put in my spot.

"Human." A deep voice said.
"Not Avatars." Another boys voice echoed.

It was none of the two smaller Na'vi...

"What?" I whispered, pushing myself from out of the trees cover. Standing up, the group revealed something I never thought I'd see.

A human boy. He was muscular and healthy. Unlike me. Skinny and underweight from the conditions of space.

"Oh my God." I said loudly.
The largest blue man turned to me.

"Did you guys hear that?" He said, following footsteps on the mud.
"It came from over there.." he said with a raspy chuckle.


AN: I'm so sorry to leave on another cliffhanger but I ran out of time ugh
Should I publish 2 times per day?
Anyways, so we met Lo'ak... almost ;)

Grey knows now there's another human boy, so she feels safer.

Vote if you're ready to see what happens next AHHH

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