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My name is Grey. Grey Cadman. I was sent here from Earth as part of an experiment.

They told me only two things.

'Don't be afraid,' and 'Never disobey your orders.'

Another day of the same story.
A sixteen year-old girl sent into space? Classic. I have no idea how I ended up here. Hardly in the 11th grade, hardly ever had a prom, a boyfriend.
Why would they just need a random girl? It doesn't even make sense to me.

What possibly could they need me for? Procreation? God.

This was almost like those programs they have back home for trouble teens. They kidnap you and send you into the wilderness. But me? Idiots.

A year ago we descended into orbit of a planet called Pandora. To this day I am still clueless as to why I am here. I am held captive to a small section of a large base. A military base. Visited only by men a few times a day, food, water, exhausting exercise trips. You're probably wondering how the military would benefit from a teenage girl, and I am too.

That year ago, I was transported off of a ship by a large wheeled vehicle with many other people. Adults. I was told before the gates opened that I would not be able to breathe the air outside, so I guess I do know one thing: this is no Earth.
I was put back into a different ship. This one with less gravity, but when you enter you don't float? I still can't figure this shit out.

"Stop recording, Grey. You're out." A different man interrupted me.

I paused my video camera with a roll of my eyes. It had not occurred to me what he said until I had stood from my chair. With my eyes widened and my lungs gasping for air, I was at a loss for words.

"I'm out?" I croaked with dry lungs.
I couldn't believe that the day had finally come. Would I be the experiment?
I was not excepting excitement, though it came. I was terrified.

"Yes, Grey. Now move. You're needed in main room. Follow the signs, don't touch anything or talk to anyone." The man snarled, clearly annoyed. I would be annoyed too if I had to be the one responsible for letting a teenage girl out of her cage.

"Yes, sir." I smiled with my head down.
All 365 days with no explanation of why I was here and the time had finally come.
The man walked away, leaving my door open for the first time.

I grabbed a spare mask from the cartridge and my shoes.
Lab shoes were  not terribly uncomfortable, but they were definitely uglier than what I had back home.

Home was just a word to me now. My family hadn't fought for me, they just let me go. They were dead to me.

I stood in the doorway with my mask and shoes in hand. The cool air from the brightly lit halls blew on my face sending shivers down my spine. The lab outside was not very colorful, silver metal hallways and blinking lights.
Not a sight that was dumbfounding.

I looked from side to side and back to my room.

I was out. I thought.

Taking a look around like I would never come back here, I spotted my camera. If I was going back home, I need proof of what happens here. I drop my things in the doorway and run back to my desk where my camera sat. Shoving it into my hoodie pocket, I shuffled back to the door.

It was surreal.

"Alright, Grey. Go." I said to myself with a lump in my throat.

The first step I took I expected it to be magical, but the floor just creaked.
Pursing my lips I read the sign with small letters in front of me.

'Right: Main Lab/ Links.'

Link? Huh?

I roll my eyes and turn to the right, the lights down the hall blinked slowly as I crept forward. It wasn't as great as I'd imagined. The further I walked, the more familiar faces appeared.
Though I never had names, I recognized the features of certain individuals who would occasionally force me into a suit to exercise or take me 2 steps down the hall to eat.

I approached a large intersection of hallways.
No signs.

"Where is the girl? Let's go." I heard muffled to my left.

"Left it is." I sighed and turned. Fear slowly crept from my feet on the cold metal floor into my chest.
The lights dimmed as I came into a large circular room.

Many people.
White seas of coats suddenly floated to me.

"The girl is here."

"The girl."

"Captain, she is here."  They all spoke at once.

With a look of disgust I pushed through the few people hovering over me. I shoved my shoes into the closest person to me and continued to walk.
A bright white room shone in front of me. Bodies laid on tables. Bodies.

As I approached the window a woman stepped in front of me.

"Not for you, Grey." She laughed.
"You sit here." She pointed to a chair just outside the room, facing away from it.

Just as I nodded my head, sounds came blasting from the room with the bodies.
I pushed past the woman immediately.

If something were happening now, I will know about it.

"What is that?" I gasp as I jog to the window. The woman tried to grab at me, but luckily I dodge her slow hands.
I can only see shadows of bodies now moving.

But they were dead? My thoughts raced.

As I ran closer to the window I noticed these bodies weren't shadowed, they were blue.
Skidding to a stop before reaching them, I backed away quickly.

"What the fuck?" I whispered with panic in my voice.

"Don't panic. Do not panic. Grey, sit. Sit. Down." The woman came behind me and grabbed my arms. I couldn't move.
The men seemed to be fighting. Huge men that looked to be 20 feet tall.

Just as the woman sat me in the chair, I turned to the room. A blue man in a gown was now observing his body. A few other blue people circled him.
Fear rose to my cheeks. I felt them tingling and saw stars in my eyes.

"Is this a cult?" I turned back to the woman

She did not answer me, but stood blankly in front of me with her arms crossed.

I turned back to the room and saw a small window behind the massive people. Black. Nothing in the distance.

We were on a ship. I had been on a ship.
The fear was there again. One- million times more. I stood quickly as my eyes began to black around the sides.

No, no, no.

I looked back to the woman as I felt my skin turning pale and cold. This time her blank stare turned to worry.
"Tell me what the fuck is going on right now, cunt!" I screamed as tears flew to my eyes.

"Grey, you have to calm down!" She screeched as I felt my body going numb.

The last thing I saw was her diving after me.

AN: HI! I had so much fun writing this omg. I definitely have so much excitement for this omg

So, do you know where Grey is?

Also, sorry about the language but cunt is my favorite word  HAHA🤞

Foreign: Spider SocorroWhere stories live. Discover now