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It had been 3 weeks and everyday was the same. Awkward bumping into Spider, smiling and running away. Going back into the forest with guns ablazing, capturing innocent people.
The life was draining out of me. I know the boy felt the same.

You could see it in his eyes, they didn't shine like they did when we first met.
He was weaker, slower.
Everything we did hurt his family and his home. I couldn't do it.

I cant kill Jake Sully.

I was sent here to Pandora for a mission in which I now know I can't complete.
Having to watch my own people wringing necks and cutting the throats of animals and children has changed me.

I had to tell Spider. We could escape and he could be happy again. It is like stones in my heart seeing him this way.
In the past 2 months I'd known him I grew to know his feelings, his mind and thoughts. He became a part of me I never thought I'd find here on this Planet.

It was real. I was real, he was real. I could die. But I can't kill innocent children... animals. I had to do something.

I'm stupid. I could die and all I can think about is other people...

I needed to find the boy. Trapped together in dirty clothes and a small military base it couldn't be hard. Just follow the footprints, right?


"Oh, Spider." I said with excitement as I turned a dark corner to find him in a room filled with windows. It was almost like an observatory, but with better technology.

Taking a few quiet steps, I closed in to see tears falling down his cheeks.
Sniffling and quiet sobbing shook me to the core.

"Spider?" I said walking over to the floor he was sitting on and kneeling quickly. My hand caressed his back.
We had become like family whether I liked it or not. His feelings were my feelings.

I grabbed his hand as they held his legs close to his chest.
"Grey." He said with a broken voice as he looked at me with a shattered heart.
He was weak, tired and traumatized.

I had to be strong for him right now.
Taking his body in my arms, he put his salty face into my chest and wrapped his arms around my neck.
"I'm sorry. This is all my fault." I said to him as he sobbed quietly.

A lump came to my throat, the first in a while. I felt the bags under my eyes become heavy and sad. It was all changing, my feelings, my future.
He had been ripped from his home and I was destroying it.

"It's all my fault." I said again as he looked up to me. Tears left streaks of glowing lines on his face. I had to close my eyes and look away from him.

It's all my fault.

"If I hadn't of followed you into the forest that day you wouldn't be here. It was me." I said, pushing him off of me and curling myself up into a ball.
He sat quietly next to me. Hearing his breath hitch in his throat, his hand touched my leg.

"You didn't choose to be here, Grey. It's not your fault." He said, moving his thumb in small comforting motions.
His touch sent shivers to every part of my body. His touch was something I didn't know could cure these feelings.

He doesn't feel the same.

"You're lying." My voice cracked and tears filled my eyes.
He sighed, wiping tears from his chin as he closed his eyes.

Foreign: Spider SocorroTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon