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He looked at me with those eyes. There was something about those eyes. His brown eyes.

Hiding under the table, he shrugged and looked away from me. I sighed loudly and took a few steps closer.
I sat down on the cold metal floor just outside of the table and didn't say a word.

Sometimes it's better to say nothing.

I learned that back in the 8th grade when I was in trouble for talking too much.
From then on, I was kind of quiet. But with the right people, I was just like the old me.

I couldn't stand the violent silence any longer. It's like it was ripping in from one ear, through my brain and out the other.

I looked at the ground and cleared my throat softly.
"I'm sorry," Was all i could manage to say. I was scared for how he would react and my body shook.

I practically looked like I was shivering the way my anxiety tormented my body.
He didn't say a word.

What is wrong with him?

I didn't know what to do. I usually wasn't the one who comforted people, and nobody comforted me when I needed it. I was lost.

Pushing off my hands, I scooted myself under the table and sat myself in front of him. He still held his legs in his arms, but watched me through his curious eyes.

Sighing as I found a new sitting position. I allowed my hands to grab his arms.
I knew everyone outside the lab was watching, but they wanted information and I needed to befriend him.

Is that what this is? Or is it something more? 


I grabbed his arms softly in my hands and pulled myself towards him. Wrapping his hands around me, I embraced him in a light hug.  Hesitating for only a second, he grabbed my body and held I tightly.

Burying his head in my neck, I squeezed harder.
"I'm sorry." I said to him as I felt his breathing speed up.
I could feel his heartbeat against my chest as we sat in a warm embrace.

His heartbeat was fast.

What is happening? I thought to myself as I felt a lump in my throat.

I wasn't scared, or angry. It was only a hug, and my body's reactions were throwing everything off.
Of course I cared... a little- but it was just business. We were using him, that's all.

But no.

We sat together for a long while as I held him.
I didn't get this type of treatment from my parents back home, so I didn't realize how nice it felt. He was just a kid like I was.

Scared, torn up and confused.

"Grey." He whispered after a long moment of silence.
He opened his arms and placed his hands on my biceps, holding both of my arms.

"I'm sorry." I told him before he could finish.
Looking back into his brown eyes, he tilted his head.


Sighing, he just looked at me with his hands on my body.

As his mouth parted before he spoke again, the door slid open.

Jumping up from my seat, my head banged on the table above us.
Grabbing my head, I crawled out and was met with the talk body of our Colonel.

Foreign: Spider SocorroWhere stories live. Discover now