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The night's sleep was excruciating. Tossing and turning in the small bed, feeling the wrinkles of the covers on my feet was Hell.
So many times during the night I awoke with cold sweats, dreaming about a war.

Sitting up in my bed, I felt the sweat dripping off my forehead down onto my cheek. My legs hung off the edge and my hands sat in my lap. Feeling the tickle of the drop, I reached to wipe it away. It was cold under my fingers, not warm.

I groaned and pushed myself off the bed and to the floor. My feet rubbed the cold metal in search of anything on the floor.

"I swear to Eywa, if I trip..." I said to myself, sticking my tongue out in focus. I felt nothing in the distance, so I began to walk with my hands in front of me. I tried to make my way to the door, following the small blinking lights on the lock.

I felt the hard wall in front of me with my hands and searched frantically for the light. Skipping over it, I groaned and tried to find it again. Flipping it on, the light burned into my eyes. A small pain started behind them and pulsed in my head. It was almost like my eyes were disintegrating in their sockets.

"Fuck." I shouted, covering my mouth quickly after I registered what I did. Standing still for a few seconds with my hand over my mouth, I wiped my eyes and continued to my wardrobe.

In my time in the forest, I found different materials to construct myself a new top. My old top had been through it in so many ways, but I had nothing else to wear. Picking up the old rag, I threw it over my head and scooted out of my bra, pulling it down my legs.

"Ew." I gasped as a little clump of mud hung from the beads. Grabbing it in my fingers, I crushed it and watched the particles fall. I smoothed the different color beads and turned to a new compartment of my wardrobe.

Opening a small drawer, I found old clothes and trinkets.

"Oh my gosh." I whispered, picking up a tangled necklace from when I first arrived. I didn't know that I took it off in my rush to change. Grabbing the clasp, I pulled it through the small knots and unravelled it. Falling down, I saw the small G charm made of silver metal. A smile tugged on my dry lips.

Twisting it around, I placed it on my neck and clasped it together. It hung just onto my collarbones and was shimmering in the bright lights. I turned to a small mirror and examined myself. I turned in a circle looking to the back of myself. A healing scar started at my neck and shone pink all the way down to my last rib. Another scar.

Turning to the side, I saw the scar down my leg and stomach.

"Pandora won't hurt a 16 year old girl." I repeated to myself, nodding in the mirror and closing it quickly.

It was still dark as I made my way down the halls, turning at every sound. I came to a stop at Spider's dorm.
Fixing my hair and clothing, I lifted my hand to the door.

"Spider?" I called, knocking three times.


"Hey! Hey, hey hey. We'll be back by eclipse, we're going out."  Spider shouted to a couple random lab members as we walked to the end of the base. The sun barely poked over the base wall as the forest reflected with bioluminescence.

"Thanks for letting me into your room." I spoke up, awkwardly. He walked with purpose next to me, watching the forest ahead of us.

"You're always welcome, Grey." He laughed, picking up his pace to run a few steps.
He pushed open a large door to the edge of the forest. The tall trees hung over into our space as we went through the door.

Foreign: Spider SocorroWhere stories live. Discover now