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Darkness fell. Not just physically, but mentally it crept into each and every kind of ours.
It seemed like days we were waiting for extraction as eclipse set on the planet.

The children all stood in the heavy grips of the Avatar team as it began to rain.
The human boy stood next to me.
It was almosr instinct to stay close to him, I don't know why.

I looked over to see the smallest girl with tears running down her face.

Poor baby. She doesn't deserve this.

I thought to myself as I followed the faces of each one in line. A mixture of fear, pain and annoyance crowded their faces. I sighed and pursed my lips, looking to the sky.

Drops of water fell onto my face and I wiped them away viscously, even though my whole body was already soaked.
We stood facing the old building, still waiting on arrival.

Many team members had traded off and were surrounding the premises.
Loud, primitive noises came from the forest in all directions. The rain pounded on the leaves.

"Three minutes out." A man said, as he responded to his speaker.

Three more minutes seemed like hours.
And there was nothing to be done.
"Watch our 6." Quaritch said as he veered away from the group.

With guns to his neck, the man holding the human boy tightened his grip.
I winced in pain as I closed my eyes. I know he was hurting, they all were.

A small yelp came from the forest, but it was ignored.
The ears of the smallest girl pricked up, and she turned around quickly.
Looking around, the ears of the children were flapping fast.

Another sound.
This time the boy looked around. I met his eyes and looked away quickly.
Something was going on.

The taller girl with the familiar voice began to whisper, making the man tighten his grip.

I sighed once more, shoving him a little from his side. He looked at me and rolled his eyes with attitude.

"What? You're hurting them. All of you are, idiots." I said to him with my arms crossing.
Just as I rolled my eyes and turned away, the man fell to the ground with a grunt.

I froze at the sight of an arrow to his face.

Oh, no. I thought to myself.

Everyone scattered, grabbing the kids and shooting their guns.
With shots ringing in my ears, I dove to the ground and followed the human boy.
I didn't look back.

Just as I made it a few feet away, a gas bomb erupted sending green smoke into the air.

"What the fuck!" I screamed as it burnt my eyes. I saw the older boy biting and shoving many of my team members.
They were escaping.

I looked around in panic as the gunshots and rain rang in my ears. Shouting and crying filled the air around me.

What do I do?

Crouching next to a tree, the group huddled and began to run.
If they were "high value" prisoners, I need to follow them.
The rest of the team was preoccupied with whatever or whoever had shot that arrow.

Now was my chance to prove I wasn't just, the girl.
I ran away from the gas floating in all directions, still stinging my eyes and the cuts on my feet and hands.
With quick gunshots behind me I ran.

The large woman from the ship grabbed the girls hair in front of me and snatched her back. I winced and continued to run.
Seconds later she fell.

Another arrow.
I ducked to the ground and began to crawl around the body, following the blue girl.

Don't lose them, Grey!

I ran as fast as I could behind them, but they were so much more accompanied to the footing that I still couldn't keep up.

"Come on!" The human boy shouted, pushing the girl with his hands tied in front of him.

As they ran across a large spread of bush the shooting stopped.

Oh, no.

With a shout, the shooting began again.
The boy and I still ran, almost making it far enough away to stop.

Just with that thought a large blast came from behind.

"What the fuck!" I gasped as I kept running.
"Go! Go, go!" The human boy shouted again as they came to a large crossing.
A log provided a bridge across as they ran.
Approaching right behind the boy another blast came down.

Watching him fall, I cling to a tree and screamed.
He did not deserve this.
While the fire from the blast spread, I started to run for him. The girl on the log looked back to me with fear and I held my breathe.

Jumping from the end of the log down into the mud, I landed on my side.
A large branch struck me while I was falling and cut my stomach and upper thigh.

Gasping for air, I looked back up to see the girl on the log.
"Spider!" She screamed as another figure approached her with a jump.
They watched as the boy tumbled down into the bushes.

I stood at the top of a large hill with blood running down my leg.
The boy needed help. I started to run with small steps down the hill and into the dark, even though I could not see my hand in front of my face, I had to do something.

I could hear the fear in my breath as I ran down into a deep forest.
Some of my team members approached quickly behind me as I flung myself to the ground where the boy laid.

"Hey! Wake up!" I screamed with tears welling in my eyes.
The boy lay motionless in the mud.
"Hey! Help!" I yelled to the colonel as he dropped his gun and ran to the boy and I.

"He fell." I sighed. My body still shook wit fear.
I couldn't feel it then, but the cut on my stomach and upper leg was dripping blood. More blood than I will see in 100 lifetimes.

"They're here. No time. Grab him." The colonel said to me as I furrowed my face.

I held the boy by the shoulders as he lay on the ground. I shook him a few times before his eyes groggily opened.
"Hey!" I screamed as they shut again.
Water from the dew on the plants wet the entire forest, covering the ground with puddles.

Grabbing him by the shoulders I sat him up against me. His back rested on my chest and his head feel forward. Sliding my hand under his chin I lifted his head up and got to my knees.

Struggling, I managed to stand the boy up and start to drag him.
We both groaned and ached, blood from my skin rubbing onto his.
He was weak but he tried to walk as fast as he could.

"Fall back!" The group screamed as we both staggered behind.

With the wind from the airship, lines dropped down and attached to vests.
We were pulled up and into the outside part of the plane.

With exhaustion aching in my bones and brain, the boy and took one small glance at each other before my eyes went black.
Muffled shouting filled my bloodied ears before life seemed drain from my existence.


AN: this was like very difficult to capture since most of the shots are of the Sully's.

But what did you think???
My heart was beating so fast 😭 how is everyone holding up fr..

Vote to keep reaching! Love u❤️

Foreign: Spider SocorroWhere stories live. Discover now