"Yeah... you're right." She forces a chuckle.

"Relax, Darleen loves you. And if she doesn't, I'll kick her butt for you and straighten her out." I bump shoulders with her.

She laughs.

My phone vibrating startles me and I look down at the caller id, Jade.

I feel a twinge in my chest, just like always when she calls.

"You gonna get that?" Kenzie asks me.

"Oh, uh, yeah, of course." I quickly answer the phone.

"Hello?" Jade says.

"Hey," I force a chipper attitude.

Despite the fact that every time I talk to her it feels like someone is dragging my heart across broken glass.

"Hey, you didn't call today so I thought I'd call you." She says.

"Sorry, been pretty busy today. Aphrodite and I are on a retreat with Kenzie and Darleen. It was a long drive. Didn't want to call you with everyone in the car, that would have been awkward."

"Right..." she says.

The line is silent for a moment.

"How was your day?" I ask.

"It was okay. You?"



Aphrodite comes out of the room, her heels clicking on the wooden floor.

"Well, I have to go. Talk to you later?"

"Yeah." She clips her words.

"Bye." I quickly hang up before she can say bye.

Aphrodite eyes me.

I force a smile.

She flips her hair at me in protest before walking to the room door, leaving me behind.

"Coming or what?" She calls over her shoulder.

"Of course." I follow after her.

"We finally leaving?" Darleen yawns as she comes out of the room.

"Yes," Aphrodite says.

I sigh.

Kenzie pats my back for comfort, I smile appreciatively at her.

"What'd I miss?" Darleen asks.

"Nothing, Let's go." Aphrodite leaves the room.

I sigh but follow.

We get a nice table, right next to the dance floor. A smooth jazz band plays soft music while people enjoy their meals and partake in small chatter.

"You look amazing," I say to Aphrodite.

"I know." She clips.

I pout.

Kenzie giggles at us.

"Don't be mad at me please," I beg.

"I'm not mad," she snaps at me.

"We are supposed to be enjoying ourselves." I point out.

"Skylar," Aphrodite says in a warning voice.

"Just let it go, pestering her will only make it worse. Trust me. Best just to change the subject." Darleen interjects.

Kenzie frowns at her but Darleen is too busy making goo-goo eyes at Aphrodite to notice. Aphrodite smiles cheekily at Darleen, not noticing me glare at the two of them.

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