Chapter 38

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POV: Jade

The words are weighing heavily on my mind. Do I think she gave up on love, on us? The question plays on repeat in my head. Over and over, I can hardly focus for the rest of the day. I help Mackenzie get ready, I make sure everyone is where they are supposed to be. I even smile at all the right intervals just like the actress I am. But my mind is miles away from this wedding.

When Mackenzie finally says I do to Darleen, everyone claps and cheers, but as I watch them kiss I feel something horrible stir inside of me. Some dark, jealous, monster I thought I put to bed a while ago.

This was supposed to be me.

I was supposed to have a big lavish wedding. I was supposed to be marrying the girl of my dreams. I was supposed to have a designer dress and a live orchestra. This was supposed to be my big day. Instead, I'm stuck playing the maid of honor, a side character in a story not my own.

I have to bite the inside of my cheek and smile, forcing back tears. I shouldn't try and claim the spotlight, this is Mackenzie's big day. Not mine. This story isn't about me. It's about them, and their love, and their happiness. I guess girls like me don't get the happy ending after all.

This wedding can't be over fast enough. It all just goes by in a blur. Darleen's family basically taking over the whole shebang. Once Mackenzie became an official Grayson, the kid gloves were off and they instantly began to treat her like one of their own. It was a strange sight to see. The people who were making faces and whispering under their breaths about her, now kissing ass and gushing. I hope Mackenzie knows what she's gotten herself into.

But even perfect couples like Darleen and Mackenzie have their issues. While on the outside they are smiling and laughing... whatever it is the two were fighting about hasn't been resolved. Mackenzie is a better actor than I thought, if didn't know she was secretly very upset, I wouldn't be able to tell at all.

"Are you sure you got this?" Mackenzie asks as I help start picking up the wedding.

"I got it, go, you and Darleen enjoy... Where is it you two are going again?"


Geez, must be nice.

"Right, Switzerland. Go enjoy that. Honeymoon and all that. Have fun, be safe, I got this."

She sighs and leans against the table I work to clear.

"Mackenzie," I say in a knowing tone. Obviously, she's stalling.

"I just... I don't know. Darleen and I had that fight, and we got married. I mean for a second there, I didn't know if I was going to say I do. I just... I don't know. This all feels like a lot."

"Well I'm not your wife, maybe you should talk to her. Just because you are married now doesn't mean you won't fight and have issues. Just talk to her, work things out. And get out of my way I'm trying to clean here." I booty bump her.

She chuckles.

"You know we hired a cleaning crew, you can go home now." She points out.

"No way, I worked very hard on these flower arraignments, and no one is just going to throw them away." I pout.

"Jade," she says in the same tone I gave her moments before.

I sigh.

"What's wrong? You've been out of it all night." She asks.

I pick at the table clothes.

"I don't know." I lie.

"Just go home, relax. I know this can't be easy for you." She rubs my shoulder.

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