Chapter 40

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POV: Jade

I can tell she doesn't want the moment to end. She keeps forcing herself to go one even though she's clearly exhausted. I've already orgasmed three times and she has orgasmed four. I'm not complaining, this is clearly the best sex I've ever had, but watching her struggle to keep the magic going, breaks my heart.

"Enough," I say softly.

She's on top of me, breathing heavily, her arms shaking in fatigue. Sweat drips down her face.

"I got more in me," she assures me.

"Skylar, enough." I run my hand through her sweaty hair.

She sighs in defeat and relaxes on top of me. I wrap my body around her, running my fingers up and down her sweaty back. I feel the moment when she gives in to me once more. The way her body fully relaxes, melding perfectly with mine. How her warm breath tickles my skin which each exhale. The way she lets me interlock our legs, letting me run my foot up and down her calf over and over.

"Can I ask you something?" I say, fighting my sleep.

"Emm?" she's half asleep.

"Does Aphrodite really give better oral than me?"

She laughs then, loud and hard, her whole body shakes, causing mine to shake as well.

"Don't laugh!" I giggle.

"I can't believe she told you that," Skylar says.

"You know she likes to rub salt in the wound," I say.

"That she does," Skylar says in amusement.

"I can't believe you would actually tell her something like that," I pout.

"In bed, she's super bossy. Makes me call her mistress. It's actually super weird and uncomfortable. Anyway, she basically demands I worship her, tell her things that may or may not be true to turn her on." Skylar says.

This time I can't stop myself from laughing loudly. I can totally picture it. Aphrodite soooo gives me those vibes.

"You went along with it?" I laugh.

"Jade!" Skylar sits up, completely red in embarrassment.

"Look how red you're getting." I sit up and poke fun at her.

"You'd go along with it too if you knew how good she is in bed," She defends herself.

"So she does give better oral, I don't know if I should be offended or not," I admit.

"She's like a pro-lesbian, she just has more experience with girls than you."

"What is even a pro-lesbian?" I ask.

"I don't know," She whines.

I laugh before kissing her again.

She laughs into the kiss, pulling me closer.

"Also if you tell her I told you any of that, I'll kill you," Skylar says.

"I want to be the best sex you've ever had, not her," I lay back down and once again pull Skylar on top of me.

"I have to admit, you have gotten a lot better since our last time. Andrea must have taught you a little something," Skylar says.

"For a first-time lesbian, she gots some moves," I admit.

Skylar laughs.

"You've gotten a lot better yourself," I say. "You never used to last this long."

"Now I'm debating if I should be offended," Skylar says.

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