Chapter 30

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POV: Jade

It was an accident, I didn't expect to run into her here, today, at all. I guess it was possible, me being back in L.A. I guess there was always a chance I would run into her. But the city is so big and she has school, I thought I was in the clear.

"Vida!" Skylar screams and laughs as Vida carries Skylar on her shoulders.

"To the battlefield!" Vida cheered.

"Ah! Put me down!" Skylar laughed.

Should I approach them?

Ugh, this is so stupid. How do you go from almost marrying the girl to wondering if you should approach her in public?

"This means war!" Vida cheered.

I feel a sour taste fill my mouth.

Maybe Andrea should have come with me after all.

It will be quick I said, only a couple of hours, in and out.


I had one simple mission, check on my house here in L.A. Then I thought since I'm here might as well go to my favorite spot to hang out, nostalgia and all that.


"Vida put me down, people are staring," Skylar laughed

Almost as if she could sense me Skylar and I lock eyes. I see her face go from happy to confused instantly. She stops laughing.

"What's up?" Vida sets her down.

Well, too late to run now.

"Uh... hey." I walk over to them, coffee in hand.

"Jade, what are you doing here?" Skylar asks.

"Just checking on the house, thought I'd get a coffee and come sit in the park," I say.

"Oh, well we were just leaving," Skylar says.

"How are you?" I quickly blurt out before she can leave.

Vida eyes me cautiously but says nothing.

"Good, good. Dr. Parkland was mad I was missing a few sessions but we've arranged for me to only meet with her a few times a week. I think that's better. Plus Thanksgiving is around the corner so... you know probably gonna go home for a bit. I'm doing good. Honest." She says.

"That's good, you know I worry about you," I say.

"I know. And you?"

"Uh, yeah, awesome. I'm kind of taking a year off. The studio said it was okay, given we've filmed seasons back to back. Said everyone could use the extra time off. So I've just been floating around, with Andrea. Helping Kenzie with her wedding, you know, just being Jade." I say.



"Skylar, we have to go, remember?" Vida speaks up.

"Oh yeah, you remember Vida right Jade? She and I—"

"Are running late," Vida says.

Skylar eyes her in confusion.

"We have to be on the paintball field in less than 30 if we are going to make our time slot," Vida adds.

"Paintball?" I raise an eyebrow.

"Oh yeah, I made a list, and Dr. Parkland—"

"Skylar." Vida cuts her off.

I narrow my eyes at her.

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