Chapter 42

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Six Months Later

POV: Jade

"Okay, I can officially say, rock climbing is not for me," I say to the phone as I catch my breath.

Everyone in the comments is eating this up, my failed attempt at actually rock climbing.

"Look at Skylar go though, she's a pro," I turn the camera to face Skylar who continues to climb and hasn't noticed I stopped.

"You better not be filming my butt!" She shouts down.

I giggle and zoom in on purpose.

"It's a nice ass, I say the world deserves to see." I tease.

'lol Jade's so funny, I like when she's holding the camera.'

'America's ass.'

'rock climbing sucksssss'

I zoom out and giggle reading the comments.

Skylar has a go-pro on, we film and edit videos to post daily. But also go live when we are doing something interesting. We've gotten the routine down pretty well. We are editing pros now. As of today, we have officially been on the road for six months. And have gotten into lots of adventures together, also fights, but mostly adventures!

The first couple of months were hard with her still in school and graduating and all that, but we made it work. We are still, "only friends", although we have had a few slips here and there. Skylar's vlog is so popular that she's sponsored by Nike, and several mental health organizations and companies. And even landed her first commercial about mental health stigma. She doesn't even need my money anymore; all her sponsorships and merch deals are paying for this. Which actually made her very happy when she realized she didn't need to depend on me anymore.

Of course, me being a famous person on her vlog every single day doesn't hurt either. She has nearly 7 million subscribers now. Almost more than me.


"Skylar! I stopped climbing!" I call when she still hasn't stopped.

"Huh?" she turns to look down at me.

I wave.

"Jade," she frowns.

"I'm tired, my arms hurt." I pout.

"We are almost to the top!" she calls.

Ha, yeah right she said that half an hour ago.

"Well water break then," I pout.

"Okay! Climb up, there is a ledge we can rest on!"

"There is a ledge here," I pout.

She gives me an annoyed look.

"Fine!" I huff.

I clip the phone back to my chest and start climbing again.

"People of the internet, I would like to point out that Skylar has got me into the best shape of my life," I grunt as I pull myself up. "Against my will, I might add."

"You got it! Almost there!" Skylar calls.

"Sometimes I really want to murder her," I pull myself up more. "On the bright side, maybe I should start doing my own stunts, will I get paid more for that?"

"Here," Skylar outstretches her hand once I reach the ledge.

I grab it and she hoists me over the edge, we sit down to catch out breath.

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