Chapter 16

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POV: Jade

It's Callen and Andrea's turn to film their scenes. After my emotion-filled scene earlier, everything runs a lot smoother, people play off my energy, working off the tone I set for the day. Only one scene left to film. The one I've struggled with the most.

The scene where Regan goes "crazy" and accidentally "kills" Mo.

In the script, my character has a mental breakdown and thinks she's fighting herself. She's stuck in this mindscape of her own making and has to fight to escape. All the while Mo and Callen's character, Lowen, are trying to save me from my own spell. It's a two-parter. I film the first part with me versus my stunt double, then I film me versus Callen and Andrea, but my character doesn't actually see them.

In the final cut, it will shift between the two scenes to convey that I think I am fighting myself.

Then the death scene.

All goes well, we reshoot the fight scenes. Even improve some choreography. Then the death scene.

"Regan, it's me. Mo!"

"Liar!" I shout.

"Mo! No! Stay back!" Lowen calls.

"You won't hurt me, I know you."

"You're wrong, you're wrong." I cry.

"I said get back!" Lowen "blast" me away.

I get jerked back by wires but act like I just got blasted back.

"Lowen!" Mo shouts.

"Enough of this Mo. Don't you see! It's too late for her, she can't be saved."

"Ahh!" I fly up and Lowen flies back after I "blast" him with my powers.

"Lowen!" Mo screams bloody murder.

I land in front of Mo, on my hands and knees.

"Stop it, please, stop!" I sob.

"Regan," she walks over to me.

In the final cut, there will be a scene where Lowen is trying to get up but is too injured to do so.

"You don't have to give in, this isn't you."

"Shut up!"

"Let me help you!"

She puts her hand on my chest.

I cry out like I'm being burned. She redoubles her efforts, I grab a shard of "metal" off the floor and stab her right in the heart with a loud scream of rage.

Blood spews from her mouth, and my mind spell is finally broken.

My eyes go wide.

"Moriana!" Lowen screams.

She grabs my hands which holds the shank into her heart.

"No... no!" I cry out.

"Regan," blood spews out of her mouth. "No!" I scream.

"I..." her hand falls from my own and she goes limp in my embrace.

"Mo! Moriana!"

"No," I sob softly and gently lay her body on the ground.

"No," I sob, resting my forehead on her chest as I cry, her blood all over my hands.


"Ugh," Andrea sits up, now once again, covered in blood.

I stand up and help her to her feet.

A prop manager comes over to retrieve the metal shank from her chest plate.

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