Chapter 39

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POV: Skylar

"I've heard it's good luck if it rains on your wedding day," Jade says as we hurry inside.

A sudden rainstorm caught us by surprise on the way home, I mean, on the way to Jade's house. It just started pouring down out of nowhere. According to the news the rain wasn't supposed to reach this far down, but I guess the weather can be unpredictable sometimes.

"I'm sure Kenzie and Darleen will be glad to hear that." I shrug off my fancy jacket and hang it by the door.

"Crazy to think Kenzie, our Kenzie, is married to Darleen Grayson now."

"Who would have thought?" I shrug.

She giggles.

Jade sets her white roses on her table, the simple little addition does much to add life back into the house.

"I'm gonna go change, want something to wear? I'm sure some of your stuff is still here somewhere," she walks towards the room.

"Yeah," I call after her, going to inspect the roses closer.

Someone cut the thorns off the roses. But I think they look worse because of it, sure they can't prick your finger anymore but now there is a small gouge where the thorns once were. I run my finger down the stem, feeling the gaping wounds left on the flower.

"If you wanted some you should have told me, I could have snagged you some." Jade comes out of her room wearing a long T-shirt and some boxer shorts.

I flinch at her sudden presence.

"No, it's okay, I was just admiring them." I turn to face her.

"Here," She tosses me one of the many shirts she stole from me back when we were together, and some old workout shorts I left here.

"I was looking for these," I indicate to the shorts.

"Well, now you found them." She forces a smile.

I just shake my head and move to go change.

In the bathroom, I run my fingers through my soaked ginger locks shaking some lingering raindrops off. I lift up my shirt and toss it to the ground, I pause to look in the mirror. My expression instantly sours. I reach down and touch just below my chest, a huge fleshy scar there from where Vida burned me with a pan. On accident.

Just looking at it I can still hear the fight we were having, still hear the sizzling of the bacon in the background. The way she was telling me to back off and leave her alone. How I was getting closer and closer to try and make her understand...

A sudden gasp has me flinching and moving to quickly cover up.

"Skylar! What happened?" Jade burst into the bathroom.


"I wasn't peeping, I swear I was just... walking by and saw through the crack of the door. Who did that to you? Are you okay? Oh my god," she inspects the large burn.

"Jade!" I back up from her.

"Skylar that doesn't look so good you should go to the doctor."

"I'm fine," I quickly slip my shirt on.

"What happened? Who did that to you?" She demands.

"Nothing, no one, it was an accident. I accidentally spilled hot grease on me when making breakfast." I lie.

She looks me in the eyes, and for a moment neither of us says anything. Then she says softly, low, almost threatening.

"You promised you wouldn't lie to me anymore."

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