Chapter 10

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POV: Jade

I sigh and set my bags down by the front door. I know I have to face them sooner or later, but I really don't want to. I took a few days off from work after that disaster of an interview to just center myself again and calm down a bit.

It's all over social media, trending for days. People coming to my defense in spades. Other talk shows commenting on it. I had to log off social media for a while. I just want peace, quiet, and time to think.

Not to mention the other bombshell. Kenzie called me out of nowhere and told me Darleen proposed to her and she said yes this time. Apparently, it was Darleen's plan all along, that's why she took Kenzie to London for the summer. 

I pretended I was happy for her, and I really wanted to be, but it just hurt so bad. It reminded me of how happy I was when Skylar proposed to me.

Kenzie and I ended up fighting after I told her I thought she was taking things too fast with Darleen. She ended up confessing to me that she and Darleen had actually had an argument over whether or not Darleen still had feelings for Aphrodite. Darleen promptly ended the argument by proposing to her. Darleen had planned to save the surprise until the end of summer but she and Kenzie made up and felt it was finally the right time. 

I ended up apologizing to Kenzie, knowing I only lashed out at her because of my own pain. To which she gave me the idea to just take a break from it all and let it sink in. Said I should just go home for a few days to get away from it all. So, that's what I'm doing. 

I ring the doorbell.

I lost my spare key a long time ago, didn't have the heart to tell them though.

"Coming! Who is it!?" I hear my aunt call.

She unlocks and opens the door, we lock eyes.

I look down at my bag.

"Come here," she pulls me into her arms.

I instantly start crying and bury my face in her chest.

"Shh, come on, come inside. I got you, shh." She soothes me.

"Jade? What are you doing here?" My uncle comes to see.

"Shh, enough about that. She's always welcome here. This is her home. Go whip up some warm milk for us." She chastises him.

She brings my bags inside and I go sit on the couch, wiping frantically at my tears.

"Tell me what happened," she sits next to me.

I sniffle and pull the rings out of my pocket. Skylar gave me her ring back; I've been holding on to the one she gave me. Unable to part with it. The rings look so good together, they belong together. Two of a kind.

She sighs and grabs them from me.

"I'm sure you've seen the news," I say.

"Hard not to, it's all anyone talks about." She says.

"That's what happens when you're a popular couple." I sigh.

"What happened?" she pleads.

"It all fell apart," I sob. "I tried so hard to make it work but we couldn't find common ground."

"Well Jade, sometimes relationships end. You just have to move on and make the most of the time you two had together."

"How!? How can I when I still love her?" I sob.

"Why did she leave you? What drove her to do that?"

"She said I wasn't taking her needs into consideration. That I was just making all these plans without her. That I wasn't there for her when she needed me. I tried so hard, but I couldn't give her what she wanted. She basically wanted me to stop acting forever and just be with her." I say dramatically.

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