Harry groaned at the pressure and I stopped for a moment, waiting for Harry's okay to continue. I then put my hand under th shower head, rinsing it off and used the excess water to clean the soap away from Harry's incision. I squeezed a portion of Harry's drenched hair, soap running down my fingers. I washed my hand under the shower head again to get it off. "You're gonna have to stand back up to rinse the soap out of your hair."

Harry gripped the tub and started pushing himself into a standng position, but stopped, a jolt of pain running through his back. "Fuck, I don't think I can." He breathed, his eyes shut for a second.

I swung my leg over the side of the tub, luckily wearing a pair of shorts as my legs got wet as soon as I stepped inside the tub.

"What are you doing?" Harry asked, watching me. "You're gonna get wet."

I stood with one leg in and one leg out of the tub. "It's fine."

"Your clothes, Y/n-."

"It's okay, Haz." I repeated, pulling my other leg into the tub. The water from the shower head fell on me, hot water running down my hair and skin, drenching my clothes. I offered both hands to Harry. "I know it hurts, but the hot water will loosen you up. Let me help you up."

Harry gave me his hands and I slowly pulled him upward, ignoring the shift in his breathing as quick, shallow breaths left his mouth and once he was on his feet, I walked backwards, guiding him under the shower head, water running down his tall body. "How does it feel?" I asked him.

"Better...not as tight." Harry mumbled, shutting his eyes again. "Still hurts a lot."

I started on washing the soap out of Harry's hair. "I'll get you a pain killer once we're back in the bedroom." I turned the shower off and helped him out of the tub before drying him off with a towel afterwards, gently patting the incision dry and put a new dressing on it afterwards. I slipped his robe onto Harry's thin body and guided him back to the bedroom.

All of this wasn't easy for Harry and that was more of a reason why I wanted to help him whenever and however I could. Also because I loved him so dearly and cared so much about him. Being there for every step of Harry's recovery, the doctor's appoinments, physical therapy sessions, his good days, his bad days, all of it, was imoportant to me.

There were also times when being at his side wasn't the greatest. When the pain was almost unbearable for Harry and he wouldn't move from a certain position in bed, a blanket draped over him, his face buried in pillows. It was hard seeing the person I loved most, experiencing this, but in those moments, I didn't pressure him and instead helped him take his painkillers responsibly as he should to prevent future dependency.

"Give me a second, I'll be right back, just have to change clothes quickly." I said to Harry and went back inside the bathroom, taking off all my wet clothes and hanging them up before chaning into new, dry ones. I got back to Harry who patiently waited sitting on the edge of the bed and I helped him putting some new clothes on before I got him his pain killer.

He looked drained, more than he did usually. I pressed a kiss on top of his head after I brushed his hair gently so it could air dry, being especially careful around the portion he had to get stitches. "Your hair here is slowly but surely starting to grow again." I told him.

"Thank god, I hate that they had to shave it."

"They didn't shave much, Haz. It's not even noticeable when your hair is dry and you wear it like you usually do. It's hidden underneath most of your hair." I assured him.

"Luckily, yeah, but you can see it when I tie it up into a bun."

"So what? There's a reason why it's there and it will fade soon, I'm sure, lovie."

He nodded. "Yeah, I guess."

"Does it hurt?"

"No, not anymore." He replied.

"Good." I moved to stand in front of him. "I love you. You're so strong my love."

"Love you too." He forced a small smile. "Thanks for helping me shower."

"You don't need to thank me, baby. You know that." I pressed another kiss on his forehead this time. "Do you wanna go for a short walk around the house?"

He shook his head. "Not really, it hurts too much. Can I just lay back down instead?"

"Sure. Come on." I helped him up on his feet again and guided him to his side of the bed, stuffing pillows underneath his back and knees until he felt comfortable. "Doctor Russell also suggested trying to lie down on your side. Do you wanna try that?" I asked him.

"I can try it, but just not today please."

"Whenever you want is fine." I smiled at him.

"I love you so, so much, you have no idea." He smiled back a little.

I sat down on the bed next to him, running my finger over his sharp jawline. "I love you more."

"That's not possible." He grinned.

I chuckled. "I'm not gonna argue with you about this, but only because you're injured."

He smiled again and I caught myself lost in it. His smile was one of the most beautiful things ever and someting I loved the most about him along with his cute dimples that appeared whenever he smiled.

"I can't wait for the day I'll be able to hug and cuddle you so tightly again that you'll never be able to leave my arms and I'll spread kisses all over you and your pretty face." I told him.

He blushed at my words.

"I can't wait for that to happen as well. I miss being so close to you."

"Until then I'm just gonna kiss you as much as I can." I smiled at him and he pursed his lips for a kiss that I instantly gave him.

"Sounds good to me." He smiled afterwards.

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