Bonus Epilogue

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30 years later

My father's love for our mother is what lead us down the paths we are on today. Our father spoke so fondly of her. He told us stories about her love and how she would brighten up a room just by being there.

It was clear to anyone that listened that he had found his one true soulmate.

There had been many times growing up that Alexander and I tried to get our father to date again but he told us that no matter if mom was gone that he would love her till his dying breath and he did.

Our mother had loved her job, she inspired many with her hard work and devotion.

"Munchkin! You ready to go?" I turn to smile at Lin.

"I'm no munchkin!" I reply with a smile. Lin had become our godfather and I know mom would have loved that. To my kids he's great uncle Lin.

"We need to get going if were gonna make it to your brothers first show!" Lin called from the car. Today, my brother finally would succeed. He chose to follow in our mothers' footsteps, becoming a musician and today is his first concert of his worldwide tour.

I decided not to go into acting or music. Instead, I became a developer before creating my own software development company. I'm the CEO.

"Alright kids, let's leave the flowers for Grandma and Grandpa, alright?" I say quietly as I brush the hair out of their faces.

"Do you think they can see us?" My daughter asked.

"I think they can YN."

"I like that I have grandmas name." She whispered softly as she set her flowers down on their grave.

"I like that I have grandpas name!" My second oldest stated following in his sister's movement placing the flowers down. Finally, my oldest placed down his.

"Can we go see Uncle Alex?" Tom asked me with a small smile.

"Let's go see Uncle Alex." I tell them with a smile. I watch them wave goodbye to grandma and grandpa before running to great uncle Lin.

"Bye mom, Bye dad. I love and miss you. I hope you guys are finally together and happy at last." I whisper. I kiss my hand before placing it on the grave. At least they are together at last. 

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