Chapter 43- LOKI!

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It was bitter sweet to leave New Orleans this morning. It's a beautiful location and I hoped to be back again soon for more filming no matter what it was for. I sat in business class sunglasses on as I looked out the window as the sun rose in the sky.

I'll never get used to flying, I never did it before this job and now I feel like I'm constantly at airports and in the sky. It was nice though. My time up here made me separate everything out. I felt like time stopped and I could enjoy the few hours in the plane to myself. I didn't need to worry about what was to come for work, and I didn't stress about previous jobs either. This time, was just for me.

Landing in Boston was quick, I got to baggage claim and got my suitcase before noticing Scott standing against a pillar. I smile and wave at him. He walks over to me enveloping me into a tight hug.

"I missed you so much!" Scott told me as he held me, it was almost as if he thought I would disappear if he let go.

"I missed you too Scott, how have you been?"

"I was good till Chris told us what happened. Why didn't you tell any of us? You had our numbers!"

"I just needed time away and to think and I didn't want to put you guys in that position when your family."

"Don't worry, he's gotten an ear full from all of us. Mom even gave him a nice smack upside the head." I felt bad but I chuckled imagining Lisa smacking him as she gave him her two cents on the topic. "He told us you guys aren't together anymore..." Scott tells me as we make our way out to the car. Thankfully there was minimal paparazzi. That was a surprise, ever since my debut at the VMA's there were more following me. When I landed in New Orleans I needed help getting past them all as they had bombarded me. I also appreciated that Scott had stopped talking before we left the building. I liked my privacy when it came to my love life. I knew being seen with Scott was enough for them to start plenty of rumors.

We got into the car and drove away. It wasn't till Scott pulled onto the freeway that I finally spoke again.

"We aren't dating. I needed us to rebuild our friendship before I even consider dating him again. Right now that seems like it's years away from happening. I was genuinely shocked when he called inviting me to spend the holidays with your family. I figured that with everything happening he would want to spend it alone, I mean not with me." I tell Scott while I looked out the window.

"We are really happy you're here. The Evans family wouldn't have it any other way." Scott made a movement like he was fixing his imaginary bow tie and we both started laughing at the movement.

I thought about it for a moment. In two months I will officially have know Chris for 1 year. It's been so eventful I didn't even realize how fast it had gone. I met the rest of the Evans family 4 months ago and they cared for me like I was their own member.

"Nervous?" Scott asked me as he noticed me spacing off and fidgeting with my hands. I looked over and gave a half hearted smile.

"A bit, I don't want things to be awkward for the family while I'm here. I'm also not sure how this next week will go staying with Chris. We haven't been alone much since everything. When we hung out he would bring someone with him as a buffer. You know?" Scott nodded his head in understanding and it made me take a deep breath.

"If you need to get away from Chris for a night, message one of us. Sure Carly has the kids but I know they would love it if you stayed over with them."

"Yeah, that's true. I'm going to have to get a Christmas list going as well so I can get them on the weekends."

"No, no gifts necessary!" I rolled my eyes, 'morals' is all I think of. They invited me to spend time with their family for these important holidays. The least I could do is get them Christmas gifts. We pulled up to Chris's house before anything else could be said about the subject. "Go up and see your baby. I got your suitcase." I gave him a look and he rolled his eyes. "Not Chris, Loki." LOKI! I jumped out of the car and ran up the small hill knocking on the door.

I forgot that Chris brought Loki with him for me! The door opened showing Chris holding Loki in his arms and Dodger standing there with his tail wagging. I give dodger a quick pet before stealing Loki from Chris as I walked in the door.

"Hi handsome, I missed you so much." Loki purred as I pet him and moved his paw so it was gently placed on my cheek.

"Wow, Loki and Dodger get a hello but I don't?" Chris asked pretending to be hurt.

"Hey Chris." I wave him off before going to the couch and letting Loki sit on my lap. He shoved his head against my head, he wanted pets. I knew his mood. If I start and stop before he's done I'll get my fingers nibbled on. "I hope he didn't cause you to much trouble." I tell Chris finally looking up at him and giving him a gentle smile.

"No, he has been super sweet. Dodger and Loki curled up on Dodgers bed last night and slept there all night. Well Loki slept on top of Dodger but still it was adorable."

"Awe I wish I had seen that!"

"I took a photo." He opens his phone showing it to me and I awe again. It was so cute seeing them together getting along. I was never worried with Loki, he's great with all types of other animals. But, as far as I knew Dodger didn't spend time with cats often.

Out attention gets drawn to the sound of something hitting a wall followed by a sorry from Scott. He was trying to bring my small suitcase inside. I don't understand why he was struggling but I just shook it off.

"So, Ma invited us to dinner tonight, if you wanted to go that is?" Chris rubbed the back of his neck a bit nervous.

"Of course. I'd love to go see Lisa! I missed her a lot these last few months." I saw the relief flood over him and his body relax.

"It will be Ma, Chris, myself, Shana, Carly and the kids." Scott tells me as he plops himself down on the chair next to the window.

"Oh yay, I missed little miss Stella." I hear Scott let out a groan.

"She has not stopped talking about wanting to see Aunty YN. She wanted to come with me to get you from the airport." My eyes widen. Aunty YN?! Wow, that was new, she never called me that when we met. Interesting. I hear Chris chuckle and I realized he watched me as I had a internal freak out hearing that.

"Dinner with the family sounds great." I tell them as I lean back on the couch.

"Can we watch a movie till we need to head out?" Scott asked which caused him and Chris to start bickering over which movie. I ended up grabbing the remote from Chris and turning on the princess bride before sitting back. The two boys both stopped arguing and sat down accepting the movie I chose.  

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