Day Twenty - Smallville

Start from the beginning

"Eva, can I ask you something?"

"Sure." she talked with a mouthful of pizza chowing down on it.

"Well, I was thinking of going to the Winter Dance and well I have no one to go with. Would you go with me?" he asked nervously

"I'm nobody's pity date, Clark." She turned away from him to grab something to wipe her mouth. She was hurt that he chose now of all times  time ask her the question she's been waiting years for.

"It's not a pity date. Honest. We've never gone to a dance together and I thought that was a bad friend of me not to have done it yet." She turned around to face him "Please." She thought about it and well she had been waiting over 10 years and now she was handed the golden ticket.

"Okay." she agreed.


"I don't get why you're not jumping up and down in excitement. You're finally getting what you wanted." Chloe told her as the two walked through the halls together 

"Because I've waited all this time, watched him go to the spring formal with you, pine over Lana, have eyes for everyone but me, it seems to good to be true. Then you've got the timing, I get dumped and he picks this exact time to take me to the dance. I feel nothing that I thought I would."

"Then what do you feel?"

"Terrified, Petrified, I want to throw up then hide away from the rest of the world." Eva answered. Chloe stopped the two of them and grabbed onto her friends arms

"Enjoy the moment, that you've been waiting for." Eva nodded apprehensively before going to her next class. Chloe went to go find Clark. He was with Pete at his locker.

"Hey Clark." he turned

"Hey Chloe, what's up?" he asked closing his locker

"It's about Eva. I wanted to make something clear. If you hurt her, if you do anything to ruin her night after everything she's been through I will find you, gouge out your eyes and rip of your precious parts." Clark and Pete stared at her shocked

"Chloe." Clark breathed 

"I'm serious, don't do to her what you did to me. Are we clear?" Clark nodded and thence left.


That weekend was the dance, Eva nervously got ready doing her hair and then slipping into black tights and a gold dress. She kept it simple with heels and jewellery and she fidgeted with her dress till there was a knock at the door. Eva headed downstairs and opened it up to see clark in a tux.

"Wow, Eva, you look....amazing" she gave a bashful smile and tucked her hair back

"You too, Clark."

"I brought you something." he held up a corsage and took it out. Eva held up her hand and he slipped it onto her wrist.

"It's beautiful. Thank you."

"Are you ready?" Clark wonders, Eva nods grabbing her clutch from the side and the two leave for the dance. When they arrive Chloe is already there with Pete and his date. She puts on a brave face for her friends though it does sting a little that they were here together. However Chloe quickly put that to one side.

"You're here." she chimed then she and Eva hugged one another "I have my camera already and your parents told me before they left on their trip I had to get pictures." Eva and Clark laughed and the moved to one side so that Chloe could take pictures. Then all of them headed into the dance.


The Dance was in full effect, Clark and Eva were having a fun time dancing, laughing, spending time with each other. The song turned to a slow one and Eva turned bashful as Clark took her waist and she wrapped her arms around his neck. They were in a moment and Clark decided to test the moment, he went all in and kissed her. Eva melted into it and her decade long wish came true. She was happy, excited, flying on cloud nine.

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