„I'm here, baby. I'm here, don't move okay? Please try not to move for me, Haz." I cupped both his cheeks, noticing a tear slipping down his right one, making me swallow hard, trying to be strong for him.

He opened his eyes, looking at me. The fear in his eyes almost killed me, but I had to pull myself together...for him. I just had to.

I noticed the music that was still playing through the arena and it seemed none of the staff member noticed. I was furious, so so furious.

„Stop the show!" I yelled, but of course no one could hear me without a mic. Louis who was still on that platform, trying to get down as soon as possible did hear me though and repeated what I said.

„Stop the fucking show!" He said into the mic, his voice stern.

„Why the hell is nobody moving?" I asked myself, not getting it.

I looked back at Harry who was frantically looking for my hand and I instantly turned my attention back to him, grabbing his hand, trying to assure him he'll be alright. He squeezed mine tightly, letting me know he was scared.

„I'm right here, lovie. They'll get you help, baby, okay? You'll be okay, I promise." I assured him, kissing the back of his now shaking hand. „Where does it hurt? Can you tell me that?" I asked as calm as I could.

„B-back and h-head." He croaked heavily. „Can't m-move." He whimpered.

Shivers ran down my spine when he said that. Shit! This was bad, very bad. My heart started racing and I needed to stop thinking like that. I needed to focus and concentrate on him and shove all my other thoughts aside.

I gently touched his hair and that was when I noticed his head was bleeding. I panicked on the inside and shot the boys who were helplessly watching, a panicked look before I turned back to Harry and placed my hand on the wound, slightly pressing on it to try stop the bleeding as good as I could.

Harry winced in pain as I did that and more tears fell down his cheeks, my heart breaking at the sight. „I'm sorry, but I have to do this." I told him, my voice breaking. „Help is here in a bit, baby. I'm here with you, just keep focusing on me. I love you, baby. I love you so much. You're gonna be okay, I promise."

I knew the fact that he hurt his back and head wasn't good. In fact, it wasn't good at all. I was scared for him, so scared of what would happen next. I felt so helpless, even though I was surrounded by thousands of people, what I forgot in that moment though.

I looked around, seeing if the ambulance arrived, but there was still nothing.
Finally the other four boys were able to get off that platform and were right beside me and Harry, helping where they could.

Zayn noticed my desperate and helpless expression and rubbed my arm to try and calm me down a bit. „They're almost here, don't worry." He said, but I knew he was just as worried as I was. I saw it in his face.

Nodding, I turned back to Harry who began to breathe rather quickly, too quickly.

„Hey, calm down, Harry." I leaned over him to properly look him in the eyes. „Look at me. You need to calm down for me okay? You're gonna be okay, love. Breathe for me Harry."

He tried, I saw he tried, but it was hard for him to do so and that alarmed me even more.

I gently ran my hand over his cheek and told him to breathe, over and over again to try and make it less scary for him, until I realized Mason who stood behind the boys, watching me.

„What are you even trying to do?" He suddenly asked. A question that was so idiotic and useless in that moment. I wish he wasn't there.

I glared at him. „Trying not to set his asthma off so that he can breathe and won't be in more pain than he already is." I huffed angrily.

Looking back at Harry, I noticed his eyes were slowly closing and quickly realized he fell out of consciousness.

„No, no, no! Fuck no!" I panicked. „Open your eyes, Haz. Come on, open them, please!"

They boys were stood behind me, cursing, pacing around and not knowing what to do just when the paramedics finally arrived and ran in.
I quickly told them what happened before they pushed me out of the way to do their job.

Slowly turning around, my heart racing so quickly in my chest, I thought it would explode any second, I faced the boys and broke down in tears.

Liam was the first one that pulled me into his arms and hugged me tight until the other three joined and it became a tight group hug.

I cried into Liam's shoulder, glancing up and that was when I saw Mason grinning like the idiot he was, standing in the back next to the stage, his arms crossed in front of his chest. Why was he grinning? Why was he amused about this whole situation?
Then I realized.

It clicked...
It was Mason. He made Harry fall. He did this, it was his fault.

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