Chapter 38 : Family Reunion

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"Oh okay... I guess it's better that way. Anyways, I have class now so I'll see you at home then?" She asked me getting up from my seat.

"Yeah, see you at home. Bye." I waved to her and she waved back, walking out of the cafeteria. I glanced at my phone and saw Zephyr's message pop up to meet him in the parking lot. 

Saying goodbye to my friends, I headed out and was met by Zephyr leaning against his sleek silver car with girls flocking around him.

He caught my eye and grinned, straightening up as I mirrored his grin and walked towards him, the girls giving me death glares with such intensity I though they'd actually kill me as I sat in the passenger seat and buckled my seat belt.

I noticed him wink at the girls, effectively making them all faint as he smirked and sat in he car and drove off towards home, each second taking me closer to my doom.

"Don't worry. I'll be right with you the whole time. So will Zar... if she's home by the time." He said, making me chuckle lightly as his words reassured me when I saw the approaching estate and took a deep breath.

Here goes nothing.

Walking inside my house, I was welcomed by an eerie silence. It almost felt calming if not for the impending storm that awaited me but before I could make the turn to my room, I was engulfed in a hug by none other than my uncle Karl.

"There's my favorite girl. Don't tell Zarina though, she'll throw a fit." He whispered the last part in my ear, making me giggle as the sound of heels made me pull away from him and look into the eyes of his wife, aunt Kristina.

"Heather dear, is that really you?" She came to me and hugged me tightly.

"Yep, that's me." I assured her as she pulled away and flashed me a big motherly smile.

"Look at you, so beautiful, just like your mother." She smiled warmly at me.

"Thanks aunt Kris. Where's-..." I started but was cut off by another deep voice.

"There she is, the woman of the hour and our little Queen!" Uncle Mikhail's voice boomed in the hallway as his arms wrapped around me.

"Mikhailov, ty dushish' bednuyu devochku. Let her go." (You're suffocating the poor girl.) Aunt Kris said sternly, making my uncle roll his eyes at her as he pulled away and the kissed the top of my head.

"You gave us quite the fright, devushka." (Young woman) Uncle Mikhail said patting my head. Yup, uncle Mikhail raised Ivan and... let's not talk about him just yet.

"I know dyadya. I mne ochen' zhal'. Deystvitel'no.." (Uncle. And I'm really sorry. Truly.) I said, my eyes going down to the floor as uncle Karl clicked his tongue.

"Don't worry printsessa. It's understandable. The pressure must have been too much. I already told Jon not to do this. Bednyazhka ne vyderzhit takogo davleniya. Eta upryamaya sobaka nikogda ne slushayet." (The poor girl can't handle so much pressure. That stubborn dog never listens.) He grumbled, rubbing my shoulder soothingly when my father's voice reached my ears.

"Upryamaya sobaka moya noga. Moya doch' — samaya sil'naya zhenshchina, kotoruyu ya znayu, kak i yeye mat'." (Stubborn dog my foot. My daughter is the strongest woman I know, just like her mother.) Dad's voice rumbled as he looked at me with glistening eyes. 

My own heart tugged as I ran to him and he immediately engulfed me in his warm arms, rubbing my back soothingly.

"Oh my darling. You'll scare your old man to death one day." He grumbled.

HEATHER - HIS LOST ANGELOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora