Episode 4: Beeware of the Magic Bullet (Part 1)

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Okay, so I have made the decision that I MIGHT to try and add more references to other series that are part of this whole... Monster-verse. Essentially the connecting factor between all of them will be Nick. For now I am only adding in crossovers between Teen Wolf, Vampire Diaries, and Grimm as you can see. More and more references to characters in Vampire diaries will occur before all the characters meet. 

I'm also upping the ante of the the Teen Wolf werewolves to make them at least have a fair fight/chance with the vampires of Vampire Diaries. Same thing with Grimms. What those will be you'll see. Also in this cannon, Teen Wolf starts before the events of Vampire Diaries Season 1 occurs. 

BUT NOW... Onto the chapter...

"She'll sting you one day. Oh, ever so gently, so hardly even feel it. 'Till you fall dead." - The Queen Bee

On the streets of Beacon Hills, a bunch of people were waiting near a bust stop. The bus finally arrived and opened it's doors. An African-American woman with black heels and a business suit entered the bus, noticing there were A LOT of people in there. Another suspicious man in a roughed up jacket entered as well with a large bag. The bus driver immediately got suspicious and eyed him from the front-view mirror. The woman pushed through the group of people and grabbed onto one of the hangars in the bus. Suddenly, the man from before pushed his way past her, making the woman eye the man and his bag he held. The man finally found his footing and set his bag down just before the bus closed it's doors and the bus began to drive.

The man began looking back and forth between all the people same thing with everybody else on the train. But everybody mainly seemed to be eying the man. The woman noticed all the back-and-forth looks between all the people and began looking around as well. She then noticed a man behind her sharing looks with the other man with the bag. The man nodded his head at the other man with the bag, giving him 'THE' signal. The man nodded back at him and crouched down to take out what he had in his bag. the woman's heart raced from fear of what the man was about to take out. She jumped back... but all it was...

Was a Jukebox?

Suddenly the Jukebox started blasting the 'Y.M.C.A.' song. Everybody started dancing to the song as the woman tried to keep herself in position and not fall from everyone bumping into her. Everybody started clapping to the song and the woman finally lost her balance, causing her to fall. It was a flash mob.

The bus finally made it to it's next stop and everybody left. Everybody was cheering and clapping each other's hands with joy from what just happened on the bus as well as continuing to sing the song. The bus driver eyed all the people that left and sighed, "I got to call this in." he said before suddenly noticing a woman lying on the floor. He got up and began t make his way towards the unconscious woman, "Miss!" he called, but the woman had no response...

A little bit later,

Matt was eating cereal on the counter as Nick was drinking his coffee as he leaned against the counter and Juliette was checking her bag if she had everything for work. She was done and rushed to Nick, "Alright. I gotta go. I'll see you boys later." she said before Nick and Juliette shared a kiss and Juliette left.

Suddenly, Nick's phone rang. Matt looked up as Nick answered it, "Noah. Something wrong?" he asked.

They both heard Sheriff Stilinski sigh on the other end, "Yes. Earlier this morning, a woman was on a bus... she's dead. Don't know how. Hank's already here. YOU need to get here ASAP." he said.

Nick quickly drank the rest of his coffee in a large drink and replied, "Alright. On my way." he said. 

He turned to Matt who was throwing his bag over his shoulder, "Look. I gotta go deal with this. You wouldn't mind catching a ride with Stiles, would you?" he asked.

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