The Tell (Part 1)

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It was a dark night and inside Nick's cop car, Nick and Matt were sitting and talking about their... Grimm duties. Nick just told Matt about one of his first experience with a supernatural creature. Matt was chuckling at it as he took a bite out of his fries, "So how many times did he come back?" Matt asked

"The guy came back to try and kill me SEVEN times throughout my life." Nick said with a smile from the memory. Those were the days...

"The guy still trying?" Matt asked.

Nick scoffed, "Hell no. The guy tried killing me last year." Nick replied before taking a couple of fries and eating them, staring out into the window.

Matt laughed and looked out into his side of the window, "Vampires are really relentless aren't they? Why haven't you killed him yet?" Matt asked, looking back at Nick. Matt noticed the smile of Nick's face fade, "Not that you should, just... wanted to know why you just let him do it?" he added.

"No, no. It's alright, I know what you meant. Uhhh... First of... Not really." Nick looked at Matt with a smile, "It really just depends on the vampire I guess. And about why I haven't dealt with him yet, is because of our family history. I'm also friends with his brother, who doesn't really want me to do it." Nick explained before taking a bite out of his burger.

Something of that answer stood out to Matt, " 'Family history'? What's that supposed to mean?" Matt asked.

"Well... the guy's brother is a long-time friend of the Burkhardts. He knew mom, Aunt Marie, Grandpa. Even Derek knows him." Nick explained.

"Derek? D-E-R-E-K?" Matt replied in disbelief.

Nick nodded, "Yep. He knew Derek when he was younger, but... we don't talk about it." Nick said, looking down as his smile faded. It clearly brought some bad memories - memories Matt didn't want to pry on.

"So...who's the family? Anybody I know?" Matt asked, punching Nick playfully in the arm with a smile.

Nick quickly snapped out of it and looked at Matt, "Uh, nope. He lives around though. The good ol' Salvatores, or Salvatore in this case. Only one good Salvatore." Nick said.

Suddenly, the radio began to make static and someone spoke through it, "Burkhardt, you there?" they heard. It was Noah Stilinski.

Nick took the radio and held it up against his mouth, "We're here. What's up?" Nick asked.

"We just got a report of a possible one-eight-seven. You're coming with." Noah said.

"'Kay, where is it?" Nick asked. 

"At Video 2*C." Noah answered

"Copy. I'm on my way." Nick replied, shutting off the radio.

Nick quickly began to start up the car as Matt looked at him worryingly, "One-eight-seven? A murder?" Matt asked.

At Video 2*C

Nick and Matt arrived at the store a minute after Sheriff Stilinski did. There was an ambulance outside of the store with 2 medics standing outside of it. One was standing next to it while the other was helping... Lydia and Jackson? Lydia was sitting in the ambulance while Jackson held her hand. Sheriff Stilinski's car was also parked near the ambulance with Stilinski also talking to Jackson. "Stay here." Nick told him, but before Matt could object, he left and walked over to Stilinski and Jackson.

Matt sighed and looked out the window to see Stiles in Sheriff Stilinski's cop car busy looking through the window to see if he could get a clear shot of what was going on.

Jackson replied snidely to Stilinski, "-part of "I'm fine" are you having a problem grasping? Okay, I want to go home.".

Stiles and Matt both witnessed what was going on. Jackson was arguing with Nick and Stilinski. Nick attempted to calm Jackson down, "And look we understand that-" Nick began, but he was quickly cut off by Jackson.

"No, you don't understand that, which kind of blows my mind, since it should be a pretty basic concept to grasp for a minimum-wage rent-a-cop like you! Okay, now, I want to go home!" Jackson yelled back as Stiles and Matt both exited their cars in anger of Jackson yelling at Stilinski and Nick. Matt wasn't as much worried for Nick, Stilinski on the other hand... Matt always considered Stilinski being the closest thing he had to a father. Just in time, a dead body was being brought out of the building. 

To quickly stop Jackson from going any further Stiles yelled, "Oh, whoa! Is that a dead body?" he yelled as he pointed at the body. Everybody turned their heads towards it as the arm of the body fell into view. 

Everybody gasped and began murmuring at the sight as Stilinski and Nick sent Stiles a look of annoyance. Stiles' mouth was wide open as he knew he was in the wrong here and he slowly fell back into the car. Other people tried to get a good look by getting closer, but Nick and Stilinski put their hands in front of them to stop them from coming any further, "Everybody back up. Back up." Nick said as the body was pulled into the ambulance. 

Matt began to back up when he suddenly felt he bumped into someone from behind him. Matt quickly turned around and saw a tall man standing behind him. He had short brown hair and was tall and lanky, but with a muscular body. The man quickly stepped back when Matt bumped into him with his hands held up playfully in defense, "My apologies." he said. He also had a British accent. Definitely wasn't from around here. "I was very much distracted from the body." he said.

Matt looked at him weirdly, "Ooookay? Heh -ummm- I'm just gonna head back inside." Matt told him as he opened the car door.

The man gave a wide smile, "Yes. That you do." he said. 

Suddenly Matt overheard a knock on the window. It was from Sheriff Stilinski's car and it was Stiles. When he saw that Matt finally saw him, he pointed at the phone for them to talk. Matt rolled his eyes and was about to enter the car when he suddenly heard the man say one more thing - something that would haunt Matt till the next day, "Let's hope you're not like your brother, Grimm.".

Matt quickly looked back at the man, but he was nowhere to be found. How did- When did- How did he-? So many questions. Maybe he was just seeing things. He hoped he was. Little did he know, 2 werewolves were watching the scene from on top of the building. What the 2 wolves weren't aware of, was that the Grimms and Alpha wasn't the strongest new being in town.

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