Beeware of the Magic Bullet (Part 5)

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Matt walked inside his room and took off his jacket, throwing it onto his chair before dropping onto his bed. He looked to the side and noticed one of the Grimm bestiaries he was reading on his desk. He sighed. He really did need to read up on these things. If he didn't, that'd be a problem. Matt got up and walked to his desk before sitting down on his chair, switching on his lamp and opening the book. He rushed through the pages to try and find the page he was looking for. After a bit of searching, he finally found the page. The page of the Mellifer.

Matt scrolled through the words on the page and was slightly freaked out at the pictures. He was definitely dealing with it better than before. Sketches and notes of the Mellifer surrounded the 2 pages in front of him. One of a Mellifer's full body and the other of the Mellifer's fangs, or in this case, stingers. He went on to the next page where there was a large sketch of a medieval town. Not important.

He scrolled onto the next page where he found a full close-up picture of a Mellifer. That wasn't the only thing. At the bottom of the sketch, there was another. It wasn't that of a Mellifer through. It was that of a Hexenbiest. He immediately had a flashback from when he saw Adalind change from back at the hospital. He shivered at the memory before going on to the next page.

On the next page, there was a large sketch of 2 Mellifers stabbing the tongue of a Hexenbiest. One was holding her back while the other was stabbing the tongue. He scrolled down to the bottom of the page to find a drawing of a tongue a mark on it that stood out. Words were written next to it with an arrow leading from the word box and pointing to the mark. Matt then began to read it aloud, "A Hexenbiest mark can be found under the tongue in both human form and morphed form." he read.

He then flipped over the page and found an even bigger side close-up of a Mellifer's face and a drawing of a bee on the other page - a queen bee. He was never that fond of bees. He suddenly realized something. The bees. His stings. He didn't feel them. He put his hand in his shirt to feel his back, only to find and feel nothing there. His stings were gone. How? 

That's a pretty dumb question now that he thought about it. Anything's possible at this point. He shut the book and realized the potential danger Adalind could be in. What he was about to do next was completely idiotic. He took out his phone and called the first person in his contacts. He put the phone against his ear, "Hey, Stiles. What'd you say me, you and Scott go for 1 more outing?"


"Kate... To what do I owe the pleasure?" Nick asked before taking his beer and taking a sip.

"Oh nothing. Just wanted to check up on the competition." she replied.

"Competition? That's what you think this is?" Nick replied.

She chuckled, "That's basically what it is a this point. 'Who can kill the most wesen?'".

"That's not our goal. That's not the Grimm's goal." Nick replied.

"Our goal? It was your ancestors' goal. Wonder what they would think about you now." Kate said, trying to anger Nick. None of it phased him though.

He then began to walk back to his table he was working on with beer in hand, "I could not give a damn what my ancestors think of me. I'm not gonna go ahead and kill wesen mercilessly. Guilty? Kill only if necessary. Not? Don't kill. My ancestors the the opposite. They killed whether they were guilty or not, and I'm not gonna be like that." Nick told her.

"You always sounded hot when you defended spoke like that." Kate told him, trying to see what he would say next.

Nick sighed as he sat down on his chair, "What'd you want, Kate? You can tell me now or I'm gonna hang up." he questioned

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