Episode 3: The Pack Mentality (Part 4)

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After the break, rain started to fall, and Scott had moved onto the porch. After a while, Derek finally opened the door and came out to join him with Nick waiting inside the house for Scott. Scott stopped in his steps when he saw Nick standing in the center of the main room. Nick noticed Scott begin to worry and back away, but Nick quickly put his hands up, "Don't worry, Scott. I was just talking, or was about to talk, to Derek about our little predicament. But by my guess, you're already here for that?" Nick asked. Scott hesitantly nodded his head as Nick brought his arms down, "Then go ahead." Nick told him.

Scott looked at Derek, but when he remained silent and stared at Scott blankly, Scott realized he was going to have to work a little harder to get Derek's assistance. Scott continued with a sigh, "Okay, I know I was part of you getting arrested... and that we basically announced you being here to the Hunters... I also don't know what happened to your sister...". Derek continued to stare at Scott blankly, not giving anything away as Scott kept rambling with Nick crossing his arms and sitting on the steps, "But, I think I did something last night. I had a dream about..." he hesitated for a moment, not wanting to advertise his continued relationship with Allison, before deciding to keep his tone evasive, "Someone... but someone else got hurt. And, it turns out that part of the dream might have actually happened..." he finished.

Derek's expression didn't change, making it clear that he had some idea of what has been going on, "You think you attacked the driver?" Derek asked.

Scott's tone and expression became incredulous, and he assumed Derek knew more than he was letting on, "Did you see what I did last night?" Scott questioned.

Derek's facial expression remained impassive, "No."

Scott asked, "Can you at least tell me the truth? Am I gonna hurt someone?"

Bluntly, Derek replied, "Yes."

Scott asked again, "Could I kill someone?"

This time, Nick answered, "Yes."

Scott looked at Nick as Derek answered this time, "Probably."

Scott looked as though he was about to cry at the prospect of being a killer as he turned and walked toward the end of the porch, keeping his back turned to Derek and Nick. After a moment of watching him, Derek looked at Nick. After a moment of watching him, Derek sighed before taking pity on him, Nick smiling at Derek's change of heart, "Look, I can show you how to remember. I can show you how to control the shift, even on a full moon. But it's not gonna come for free." Derek told him.

Nick suddenly felt his phone buzzing in his pocket. Nick stood back up, grabbing Derek's and Scott's attention. Nick put it up against his ear, "Burkhardt... What?... I'll be right there."

Nick hung up before putting the phone back into his pocket, "What is it?" Derek asked.

Nick sighed and walked towards the exit, "Work. We'll talk another time, but first you two deal with this situation." he told them. 

Sheriff Station

Nick entered the building and walked fast towards his desk where he saw Hank patiently waiting for him. Once Hank saw Nick, he stood up and rushed beside Nick where they continued to walk towards their desk, "What's the problem?" Nick asked.

Hank pointed at the Sheriff's office where an officer and Sheriff Stilinski were in. Nick and Hank walked towards the office before Hank knocked on the door. They patiently waited until Stilinski answered, "Come in!" he yelled. Nick opened the door and they both walked in. The officer was standing in front of Stilinski's desk with Stilinski sitting behind it. Nick nodded his head at Stilinski, basically giving a silent 'Hello.'. Stilinski then asked, "About time you showed up. Where've you been?"

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