Night School

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"Lock it! Lock it!" Scott yelled at Stiles as they held back the door handles to keep the doors shut. 

"Do I look like I have a key?" Stiles replied exasperatedly

"Grab something!" Matt then added.

"What?" Stiles asked.

"Anything!" Scott and Matt said in unison. Stiles then paused and froze... he had an idea. he stood up and looked through the door windows, seeing a cable-cutter lying in front of the steps of the school. Matt and Scott wondered what Stiles was looking at and stood up to look through the window. They both spotted the cutter and knew exactly what Stiles' plan was. Stiles prepared to exit, "No." Scott quickly told him.

"Yes." Stiles quickly replied. 

He opened the door and began to walk out as Matt called for him, "Wait, no, Stiles! Don't--!" He cut himself off when he knew Stiles wasn't listening. Stiles squezzed through a small gap he created from the door before he closed it. Stiles looked at his left and right to see if the werewolf was nearby. he then looked at his and Derek's car to see if it was there either. It wasn't. He looked down at the cutter and carefully and quietly made his way over to it. He crouched and picked it up as Matt and Scott watched in suspense. Suddenly, from behind Stiles' jeep, the werewolf crawled out. It spotted Stiles. 

Scott and Matt's eyes widened. They both called for his attention to come back, "Come back! Come back! Run! Stiles!"

Stiles looked up at the 2 before looking over at his car, seeing the giant werewolf looking straight at it before it began to run towards Stiles on it's four legs. Stiles' eyes widened and he rushed back to the door. Matt quickly opened it, allowing Stiles to get inside. Once he was inside, he locked the cable-cutter around the handles and held it there at Scott and Matt pulled against the door handles as well to keep it closed. But nothing came? 

The 3 shared a glance before they all stood up and looked through the windows, seeing the creature nowhere to be found. "Where is it?" Matt asked as Stiles grabbed the torch from his hand and shined it through the windows in search of the werewolf. "Where did it go?"

Once they saw no sign of the creature, they stepped a couple steps backwards before coming to a stop, "...That won't hold, will it?" Scott asked.

"Probably not." Stiles answered grimly and with fear in his eyes.

The 2 then looked behind them, seeing that they were in a dark and ominous hallway of a school... all alone... or that's what they thought and hoped for at least. the 3 shared a glance before they rushed over to a classroom. 

"The desk!" Matt said as they entered the classroom. Matt and Scott began to push the desk, but Stiles stopped in front of it, stopping the desk and them. he stuck his hand up, "Stop, stop. The door's not gonna keep it out." he said silently.

"I know." Scott replied sighing.

"It's your boss." Matt added.

"What?" Scott questioned.

Stiles then elaborated further, "Deaton? The Alpha? Your boss." Stiles said, ending with Stiles pointing at Scott and annoyingly.

"No." Scott said, shaking his head.

"Yes! Murdering psycho-Werewolf." Stiles replied with a higher tone in his soft voice.

"That can't be--" 

"Oh, come on! He disappears, and that thing shows up ten seconds later to toss Derek twenty feet through the air and kick Nick through a freaking wall? That's not convenient timing?" Stiles questioned.

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