Second Chance at First Line and Life (Part 5)

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Back on the road,

Panicked, Stiles was speeding down the road through the woods as Matt, who was sitting in the passenger seat next to Stiles, called the police on speaker phone. Matt hurryingly typed in the number on Stiles' phone and began a conversation with a very impatient dispatcher who seemed very used to Stiles calling her, "Stiles, Matt, you know you can't call the dispatch line when I'm on duty." she explained.

Matt decided to cut to the chase, "We just need to know if you've gotten any... odd calls...?" he asked.

Matt could tell she was confused by his words and asked, "Odd how?"

Stiles decided to step in, "Uh, like, an odd person, or..." Stiles struggles to come up with an example as he and Matt looked at each other for answers. matt shook his head, having no suggestion. They had to give an example that didn't sound like they were trying to find out if anyone has seen a Werewolf running through Beacon Hills, because if they did... they'd be taken as a joke. Stiles finally decided to answer, "A dog-like individual roaming the streets...?"

The dispatcher, obviously out of patience, sighed and was silent for a few seconds before finally putting an end to their conversation, "I'm hanging up on you now." she told them.

Stiles and Matt, both panicked and desperate to find Scott before he hurts somebody, tried to get her to reconsider, "No! Wai-wai-wai-wai-wait!" Stiles attempted.


"Wait you gotta listen-!" she ended the call before Matt could finish his sentence, making him clench his fist and growl in frustration. Matt passed the phone back to Stiles, but he angrily turned off his phone before throwing it onto the backseat, where Scott had left a stack of Stiles' and Matt's research sitting there. The phone landed on a photo of a huge, wolf-man-like creature with red eyes, similar to the wolf who bit Scott, holding a young, unconscious woman in his arms...

Matt sighed and rested his head on the dashboard, grabbing Stiles' attention. Stiles shook his head, "What're we gonna do?" he asked Matt.

Matt turned to face Stiles and sat up straight. They both stared at each other for a moment, both having an idea of what Matt was thinking. "I do have 1..." Matt answered.

It was at this moment, Stiles knew who he was talking about. Stiles shook his head furiously in disagreement, "No, no. You're crazy."

Matt threw his arms in the air, "What else are we gonna do?" he questioned him.

"He'll kill Scott for all we know!" Stiles exclaimed.

"We both know he wouldn't do that! He's Scott's friend. He knows him. He cares for him. Besides... he's the only one that can help us... we need to get Nick."

Stiles looked back at Matt, being frustrated by this. He looked back to the front and sighed in acceptance. He groaned, "... Fine. Call him."

Matt reached into his bag he had in the back and dropped it onto his lap. He opened his bag and took out his phone. He scrolled through his contacts and stopped at Nick's name. Hesitantly, he called his phone and put it on speaker for Stiles to hear. And they waited...

Little do they know... Nick was already dealing with his own problem.

Meanwhile at a cascade,

Nick and Hank exit their cop car and begin to look around. Nick's phone suddenly began ringing. He took it out of his pocket, but Hank quickly spotted the man they were after. The Ziegevolk they were after. He slapped Nick's arm before he could answer, making him look up. Hank exclaimed, "Got him!" Hank told him as he pointed at the Ziegevolk with the woman he kidnapped.

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