Heart Monitor (Part 1)

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Deep in the woods at night

Matt was currently standing in the middle of the woods, holding a crossbow and ready to shoot any minute. It was dark. He was squinting his eyes to get a clear view of everything. he suddenly heard a twig snap.

Matt spun around and aimed the crossbow in that direction to see if anyone was there. Nobody was there. He quickly began to realize how heavily and loud he was breathing so he steadied it. He began to breath more slowly and steady his heartbeat before just listening...

Birds chirping.

Leaves blowing in the wind.


Wait running?

Matt was suddenly tackled and thrown against the ground and the crossbow was knocked out of his hand. Matt attempted to punch or throw the person off him, but there was no avail. The man was too strong. The man suddenly pushed Matt's arms together and held his fist mid-air, about to punch him in the face, but the fist stopped mid-air. Matt finally gave up and let his arms fall.

The man leaned his head to the side and sighed as he looked at him, "Ya done, Matt?" he asked.

Matt growled at him and rolled his eyes, "Yes. I'm done, Nick." he told his brother. 

Nick and Matt were in the middle of training. Nick was trying to teach Matt how to fight and pay attention to his surroundings since as a Grimm, you can't afford to NOT do that, esspecially if you're up against fast creatures like vampires and werewolves. Nick finally got off Matt before extending his hand down towards him to help him up. Matt sighed before grabbing his hand and Nick pulled him up. He then handed Matt his crossbow back into his arms before beginning to walk off, "We're gonna run it again. This time, actually LISTEN." Nick told him.

They have been training for 3 hours straight. It was probably gonna be morning in 5 hours. He was getting tired which affected his attention span. He needed some rest and sleep. His arms fell to his sides with the crossbow in one hand before finally deciding he's had enough, "You know what... I think I'm done here!" Matt exclaimed.

Nick immediately stopped. He turned around with a confused look on his face, "What do you mean, 'You're done'?" he asked him.

Matt scoffed and the 2 brother began to walk towards each other, "I am I'm done here. I'm done with training every night in the middle of the night for hours on end and it going nowhere along with me waking up in the morning sore. I'm tired with ALL of it!" he yelled.

"You do realize that it's your duty to hunt the things that children are so afraid of from bedtime stories, right? To do that you are gonna need to be training for hours on end! You wanted to hunt vampires and Wesen, didn't you!?" Nick replied as the 2 were now standing right in front of each other, Nick looking down at Matt.

"No, I wanted to help PROTECT humans! Not kill Wesen! If killing is gonna need to be involved in that, then so be it, but I'm not gonna work myself to the bone every night for it." Matt told him. The 2 were staring at each other angrily before Matt turned around and began to walk off.

Nick raised his arms and yelled, "And where exactly are you going!"

Matt refused to look back at his brother and yelled back, "To the car! YOU can wait out here all you want, I'm not!"

Nick put his hands on his hips and sighed. What in the world is he gonna do with this kid? He has the potential to be a great Grimm, maybe... even better than Nick ever was. If only he just took advantage of that.

The Burkhardt House

Matt pushed the door open and stomped his way up to his room. Juliette, who was sleeping in her and Nick's bedroom, heard Matt's loud stomps and slowly got up from her bed, wiping her eyes as she did so. Nick entered the house after his younger brother as Matt shut his bedroom door. Juliette left her room in her gown and walked down the stairs to see Nick throwing his jacket over a chair. She could tell he was tired, not in the sense of losing sleep, but just tired of Matt. Nick sighed again and rubbed his hand through his hair. "How'd training go this time?" she asked him as she sat down on the steps leading to the second floor.

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