Episode 2: Second Chance at First Line and Life (Part 4)

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The Hale House,

Night has fallen, and Derek has just walked out of the Hale House ruins towards his Camaro. He opened the door to the car and got in, starting the engine and finally driving away, not knowing that Scott, Matt and Stiles were watching him from a distance in Stiles' Jeep. Once Derek was a fair distance away from the house, Stiles drove the Jeep closer to the property and parked it so that he, Scott and Matt could get out with their shovels in hand. Scott looked around for a moment until Stiles and Matt joined him at the front of the Jeep. Stiles lead Scott and Matt and handed hand him a flashlight before the three head off toward the side of the house where the recently-overturned patch of earth is located.

After a moment, Scott spoke up, sounding concerned, though he didn't stop walking toward the house with Matt and Stiles, "Wait... Something's different." he said.

Matt's voice sounded uneasy when he responds, "Different how?" he asked.

"I don't know..." he answered.

The three finally reached the suspected gravesite, and Scott aimed his shovel towards it with a shrug, "Let's just get this over with." he told them. Scott jammed his shovel into the ground, stomping the spade-end with his foot to push it in further before scooping up some dirt and throwing it aside. 

The three worked in silence for several minutes as they dug up the grave until Scott, sounding anxious, wiped his brow with his sleeve before he finally spoke up again, "This is taking way too long." he complained.

Matt rolled his eyes, but didn't stop digging, "Just keep going." he annoyingly told Scott.

Scott exasperatedly asked, "What if he comes back?"

Matt scoffed as Stiles shrugged nonchalantly and continued to dig, as did Scott, "Then we get the hell out of here." he replied.

"What if he catches us?" Scott asked.

"I have a plan for that." Stiles answered. 

"...Which is?" Scott asked. 

Matt stopped digging and looked at Stiles, "You know? He's right. You never exactly told us what the plan is if he comes back." Matt added.

Stiles stopped digging, leading to Scott to do the same so the three can look each other in the face. Stiles pointed at Scott, "You run one way." he pointed at Matt, "You run another way." he pointed at himself, "I run the other. Whoever he catches first? Too bad." he explained. 

Stiles shrugged again as though it's no big deal and got back to digging. Scott sighed in exasperation ad matt's mouth fell open at the idiotic plan, before the two got back to work as well, "I hate this plan." Matt said. 

"Agreed." Scott added.

Scott and Matt dumped another scoop of dirt to the side and they were about to dig in again when Stiles' shovel suddenly hit something solid, causing Stiles to raise his left hand and hold it out in front of Scott and Matt to keep them from moving, "Oh, stop, stop, stop." he told them.

When the three look down, they saw several twine rope strings poking out of the earth, and the three kneeled down so they could brush the dirt away with their bare hands. They eventually uncovered what looks like a bundle of a rough fabric, like burlap, which had been tied closed with the twine rope. Stiles and Matt started to try to untie the bindings, and Scott, still on edge with fear that Derek was going to come back and catch them, impatiently urged Stiles and Matt on, "Hurry!" he told them.

Matt, frustrated by Scott's anxiety, responded in an irritated tone of voice, "We're trying. Did he have to tie the thing in, like, nine hundred knots!?" he exclaimed.

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