Episode 1: Wolf moon (Part 3)

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Night had fallen, and another thunderstorm has just started up as Matt was researching a few things on his laptop in his room. He looked outside with a concerned expression as he suddenly heard a knock on the door. He jumped at the sudden knock and turned around to see his bother opening the door. Nick was concerned for why he was staying up this late, "What are you doing?" he asked him. 

Matt slowly moved in front of his laptop to make sure Nick didn't see what he was searching on the internet. He slowly moved his hand behind his head and started chuckling awkwardly, "I --uh -- just... School ya know? Research. Homework. That type of stuff." he defended.

Nick obviously didn't buy it and leaned against the doorway as he crossed his arms, "Uh huh... What were you really doing? If you're on those types of sites ya know... it's just a phase. You'll-" Matt was immediately disgusted that Nick thought he would be doing that and immediately stopped him.

He shut his eyes and shook his head, "What!? No. No... no, no, no, no, no... NO. You... you wouldn't believe me if I told you." Matt explained to him.

Nick smirked, "Try me." he chuckled.

Matt rolled his eyes and chuckled, "This whole day... I've been... seeing things. Weird things." Matt told him.

Nick slowly got suspicious, "Seeing what weird things?" he asked his brother.

Matt chuckled and opened his laptop, revealing what he was really searching the internet for. "Glowing Blue Eyes". Nick's eyes widened in surprise and realization as Matt began to speak, "Blue eyes glowing out of nowhere. These sudden pains in my head. Wanna know what the weirdest part is?" Nick eyed him, "Today we had a test we had to prepare for. I got EVERYTHING right. Not 1 single incorrect answer." Nick was confused as to why this worried Matt, but Matt went ahead and explained it, "I never studied for this test. Only slightly, not enough to get everything right." Matt told him.

"And these... blue eyes... Who have you seen them on?" Nick asked.

"Just 1 guy. That Derek Hale friend of yours. And I think he knew." Matt explained. Nick's eyes wandered off to the storm outside as Matt was speaking to himself. Questions ran through Nick's head. How's it happening this early? How's it THIS severe? Who else noticed, because SOMEONE else besides Derek hale definitely noticed? And why the hell was Derek hale back in town?  Must've been what he thought for a while. The Alpha. But if it caught even Derek's attention... It definitely caught the attention of the Argents. He didn't want to deal with them again.

Being too deep in his thought, Matt finally snapped him out of it, "Hey! You alright?" Matt asked him.

Nick looked down and slowly backed into the hallway, "Yeah, yeah. Just... thinking about something. Listen --uh-- it's probably stress. It happens to all of us. Just get some sleep in, stay inside the house. I gotta check back in at the precinct. I'll be right back." Nick told him. Nick ran off to Juliette and left Matt to his own thoughts. 

Nick rushed inside Juliette's room to see her looking through a few documents from the hospital, "Hey, Jules. I'm just gonna run back to the precinct. Have some... stuff to do." Nick told her.

Juliette immediately knew what Nick was talking about, "Okay. Why didn't you go already then?" Juliette asked him.

Nick sighed, "... It's happening to him. He's starting to see them." he told her.

Her mouth fell open in disbelief, "He isn't even 18. How's he-" Juliette was interrupted by Nick.

"I don't know. But it is so we're gonna have to tell him soon. But right now, Derek's back and I gotta find out why. Be safe and make sure he doesn't get hurt." he ran downstairs, "Love you!" he yelled as he ran out. 

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