Episode 3: The Pack Mentality (Part 7)

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The McCall House

After a long day at work, Melissa was changing into her pajamas. She was exhausted and sighed as she made her way down the hallway to Scott's bedroom. She called out to him as she made her way to his room, "Hey, Scott? I'm gonna go to..." She walked into the doorway and trailed off when she finally saw that Scott's room was dark and empty, and his bedroom window half-open, "...Sleep..." Melissa sighed at the fact that Scott missed the town-wide curfew but simply shook her head and walked back to her bedroom, muttering under her breath while she did so, "Seriously?"

Before she reached her bedroom door, she heard a soft thud coming from Scott's room, making her stop in her tracks. As she turned back towards the room. She quickly got more worried by the sounds of the window rattling as it was opened. She slowly walked back into the room, grabbing the baseball bat leaning inside the door as she saw 2 figures roll onto Scott's bed from the window. Melissa was just about to swing the bat at them when the 2 figures stood and immediately called out, "WHOA!" they both yelled.

It was Stiles and Matt, and the 3 screamed and yell at each other, the 3 not fully realizing what was happening, "OH, NO, NO, NO!" Matt yelled.

"AHHHH!" she yelled back.

"NO, NO, NO!!!" Stiles yelled.

"AHHHHHHH!" she yelled again. After a moment, they finally stopped. An exasperated and irritated Melissa put down the bat and half-screamed at him, "Stiles, Matt, what are you doing here?" she asked.

Stiles' voice was just as exasperated, as though Melissa was the one in the wrong here, especially when both Matt and Stiles remembered that Scott almost did the exact same thing to him (Stiles) with the bat from when they all met up in the middle of the night. The night Scott got bit. "What are WE doing? God, do either of you even play baseball?" he questioned.

"What?" she overwhelmingly replied. Suddenly, the light switched back on, revealing that Scott had returned home. Melissa wasted no time turning towards him and exasperatedly scolding him, "Can you please tell your friends to use the front door?" she asked.

"But we lock the front door. They wouldn't be able to get in." Scott obliviously defended.

Melissa gave him a look, "Yeah, exactly." she said. She suddenly realized what time it was and switched the subject, "And, by the way, do either of you care that there's a police-enforced curfew?" she asked.

Scott, Matt, and Stiles shrugged and replied simultaneously, completely in sync, "No."

Melissa rolled her eyes to the ceiling and muttered under her breath, "No.". Melissa finally sighed and threw up her hands, "All right, then. Well, you know what? That's about enough parenting for me for one night, so..." she wandered off. Melissa threw the bat onto Scott's bed next to where Matt was sitting and turned to walk out the door, "Goodnight." she said.

Scott smiled sweetly at her, "Goodnight." he replied. Scott turned back to Stiles before taking notice of the serious look on Matt and Stiles' faces and immediately asked him about it. He frowned in concern as he dragged his desk chair over so he could sit in front of him, "What?" Scott asked.

Stiles hesitated for a moment before telling him of what he and Matt just learned, "My dad left for the hospital fifteen minutes ago... It's the bus driver." Stiles began.

Scott looked at Stiles and Matt questioningly, before Matt continued, "They said he 'succumbed to his wounds.'" Matt continued.

Scott crinkled his eyebrows, not completely sure what he meant, "'Succumbed?'" Scott asked.

Stiles' and Matt's frowns got even deeper, "Scott, he's dead." Stiles answered.

Scott's eyes widened as he gasped in shock, and he started to realize who could have done it, "Does Nick know?" Scott asked.

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