The Tell (Part 3)

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It was morning and quiet... too quiet. Matthew was sitting beside the window and staring outside, watching to see if anybody was still outside. They had to be careful. As far as they knew, vampires could only enter the house if they were invited in. Luckily for them, Nick owned the house. But then again, they couldn't stay in there forever. The house could still be burnt down from the outside.

A hand suddenly grabbed his shoulder, making Matt jump and pull out a long sharpened stick from behind him, pointing it at the person who grabbed his shoulder. "Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! Calm down!" Nick said, immediately putting his hands in the air and backing up.

Matt sighed and rolled his eyes before looking back outside, "Sorry. Just... stressed... and worried... And frightened." Matt said. Nick sighed. He understood how he felt. Nick was about to comfort Matt, but Matt knew him all too well, replying, "If you're gonna tell me something like 'it's gonna be alright', don't try it.".

Nick huffed. He knew Nick all too well. Nick looked outside the window as well, leaning closer to Matt, "Ya know... If we're lucky... this vampire might not have a daylight ring." Nick said.

Matt looked at him weirdly, not knowing what this 'daylight ring' was and making Nick lean back, "What the hell's a daylight ring?"

Nick began to walk back and grab his jacket, "A daylight ring is basically an object that allows vampires to walk in the sunlight. But you can only get one from a witch or Hexenbiest. If we're lucky, maybe this vampire won't have one." Nick said.

Matt was about to say something when Nick began walking to the door with no care in the world, "Dude what the heck are you doing..." Matt said out of confusion and worry.

Nick opened the door and turned to Matt with a smile, "If by luck I'm right, we should be worried about nothing. Plus, this vampire said he wanted to talk with me right? He wouldn't kill me right now if he did. And Juliette isn't going to work today, soooo..." Nick stepped out and Matt jumped for him, grabbing his bag.

"Wait don't-!" Matt said, but it was too late. Nick already stepped outside. And... everything was fine. Nick looked around to see if the vampire from last night was still here, but there was no vampire in sight. Nick smiled and turned back to Matt, who was looking at him with a scared but confused look.

"See? I'm fine! I can handle myself against a vampire by the way. Come on. YOU gotta get to school and I have to get to work." Nick said and he turned towards his car.

Matt was shocked by how not-worried Nick was. That was actually not that surprising when he actually thought about it. Matt sighed, gathering all his bravery and strength to exit the house. He took the long stick and put it in his backpack. He finally took a step outside, having one thought on his mind...

How was Stiles gonna react to this?

Beacon Hills High School


It clearly didn't go well.

Matt was finally able to reach Stiles at the school and they were standing outside... in public. Matt quickly put his hand on Stiles' shoulder and put a finger against his own mouth, shussing him. He then looked around to see if anybody were watching... which there were. Stiles looked like he was having a panic attack. Out of all supernatural creatures Stiles loved, he hated vampires the most, simply from fear. Matt began to guide Stiles away from the large crowd to talk to him privately as Stiles breathed heavily and fast on the way there.

They finally made it to around the side of the school to talk and Matt let Stiles go, "Could you calm down??" Matt yelled at him silently.

Stiles spun around at Matt with a shocked face, "I should calm down?? Maybe YOU should not be so calm! Werewolves? Alright, I can deal with that. Grimms and... an ancient species of creatures? Fine, okay. Now VAMPIRES?? THAT'S where I cross the line!" Stiles yelled back, moving around extatically.

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