The Tell (Part 2)

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Matt and Nick finally arrive at home where a tired Juliette was still working. As Nick shut the door, he looked at Juliette, surprised by her still being awake, "Jules? Why are you-?".

"Work... Work, work, work." she quickly said. Matt noticed there were already 3 cups of coffee on the table she was working on, each already empty. 

As Juliette began rubbing her eyes, Matt took the 3 cups of coffee, "Why didn't you just reuse the some cup?" he asked her.

"I did." she said as she took her hands away from her eyes. 

"You clearly did not." Matt replied and walked into the kitchen to leave them in the sink.

Juliette scoffed with a smile as Nick began to rub her back, "Maybe you should head to bed." he told her. Juliette sighed and got up with Nick leading her upstairs. 

Matt watched them leave the room and once Nick made it up the stairs, he called out to him, "Hey, Nick? Could we talk?" he requested.

Nick immediately stopped by the steps and looked down them. he then looked at Juliette, asking her if he should leave her. She noticed and smiled, cocking her head down the stairs before leaving Nick's arms and walking to her bedroom. Nick let out a deep sigh before heading down the stairs, "This better be good." Nick said.

"Well then it really depends." Matt said as he paced up and down, not being able to stop thinking about the mysterious man.

Nick finally made it down the stairs and walked into the kitchen to pour himself some water, "Alright. What is it?" he asked him. 

Matt walked to the counter opposite of the kitchen and leaned against it, "So... do Grimms hallucinate by any chance?" he asked.

As Nick poured some water from the tap, he scoffed with a laugh, "Not unless you're under the influence of a Wesen or something. Besides that-" he drank from the water as he turned around, "Not at all." he said. He noticed Matt's worry as Matt was looking down at the kitchen ground. "What's wrong?... What'd you see?" he asked.

Matt sighed as he rolled his eyes, "It's sorta... complicated.-".

"Well then un-complicate it." Nick quickly replied as he sat his drink onto the counter.

"Fine... Back at the store... with Lydia and the body and everything... Someone else was there. And that wasn't the weirdest part..." Matt answered but ended with a pause to look around, looking through the windows from where he stood, confusing Nick. He then looked at Nick, "He knew we were Grimms..."

Nick's expression changed completely. His face went completely blank and he took the glass of water before chugging it all. He walked back to the sink in silence and sighed, "Anything else?" he asked in a tired tone.

Matt didn't want to go on. Times Nick could avoid the life of a Grimm, he did. And NOW, it seemed like someone is going out looking for them... "He also seemed like he wanted to talk to you personally."

Nick turned around to look at Matt, "Why?"

Matt shrugged, "How the hell am I supposed to know?" he replied. He then walked around the counter to stand in front of Nick, "Look, I don't know what else to tell you, but THIS GUY... he seemed... different. I don't know what it was about him. Just... if you do see him... be careful and maybe have some backup, dude." Matt continued in a whisper.

Nick sighed with a smile and put his arm on his brother's shoulder, "Do you not know me, Matt? I'll be alright." Nick said.

Suddenly, there was a knock on the door, making Matt and Nick quickly look at the front door. Nick seemed to glare at it as Matt was filled with fear. Nick slowly began to walk towards the door as he took out his gun with Matt closely following behind. Nick suddenly stopped Matt by putting his arm in front of him, confusing Matt. He then pulled out another gun and held it out for Matt to take, while still staring at the door cautiously. Matt simply stared at the gun, deep down not wanting to take it. He's never really used one before. The closest was when they dealt with the Mellifer, even then he never really used it. Matt pushed through his fears and took the gun and holding it up, pointing at the door before they continued walking towards it.

When they finally made it to the door, Nick slowly twisted the door handle and pulled the door open and immediately the 2 pointed the guns outside, where... nobody stood. Nobody was there. Matt sighed and dropped his arms down, "It's probably some pranksters, come on." Matt said. Nick lowered his gun and closed the door again before turning around to follow Matt. Suddenly, there were knocks at the door again.

The 2 quickly spun around and Nick opened the door with haste only to see nobody there again. Matt stood by Nick to look outside to see if anybody was there. "If this is a prank, these kids are quite good at them... and quiet." Nick said. Matt was about to walk through the door to look outside when Nick stopped him.

Matt looked at him weirdly, "What the-", but Nick glared at Matt, just making him more confused. Nick then cocked his head outside the door.

"Across the road." he said. Matt looked outside the door more closely, not letting a single part of his body move past the doorway. Across the road, there was a man. The man was simply staring at them. The 2 brothers couldn't get a clear look because of how dark it was, but they could still see him and his eyes.

The 2 brothers glared at the man is silence. Matt then had a question in mind, leaning closer to Nick, "Why don't we just go up to the guy? I mean... you are a Grimm and all. Plus, you have me." Matt said.

Nick was silent for a few seconds until he finally answered, "Tell me. No Wesen will ever go out of their way to threaten, nonetheless try to mess with a Grimm if they know they're not gonna win. Not only that, why do you think he's out there and we're in here?" Nick replied.

Matt shrugged, "I don't know... To intimidate us?" Matt answered.

Nick shook his head, still glaring at the man, "He's trying to lure us out. Which would mean-"

"He can't come inside." Matt continued.

"Exactly. And which creature can't enter houses? And can disappear and reappear in the blink of an eye?" Nick continued. Matt's breathing quickly shifted when he realized what it was. He didn't think he'd meet one this early... Nick realized Matt knew what it was. He then sighed, "Yep... Looks like we have a vampire in town..."

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