Beeware of the Magic Bullet (Part 4)

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Beacon Hills Animal Clinic

Matt, Stiles and Derek finally arrive at the animal clinic. Derek was holding onto his arm while Stiles and Matt slide the steel gate up, opening it. Matt suddenly heard his phone ring as they enter the room. Matt takes it out while Derek sits down onto a couple of bags to rest. He was getting worse, much worse. He was sweating heavily and his face got more pale with red mark under his eyes and around his lips. Matt took out his phone to look at the text, 'Northern Blue Monkshood' is what Derek was hit with apparently. He showed Stiles the text before both turned around to face Derek, "Does Northern Blue Monkshood mean anything to you?" Stiles asked.

"It's a rare form of wolfsbane. Heavily impactful to our type of werewolves. Even more with the other type... He has to bring me the bullet." Derek said in a tired tone as he breathed in heavily.

"Why?" Matt asked.

Derek finally looked up at Derek and Stiles, " 'Cause I'm gonna die without it." he replied weakly, making Matt and Stiles stare at him with shock.

At the Burkhardt House

"Ow!" Hank yelled, flinching.

Juliette was in the middle of helping Hank out with the stings on his body. She was busy putting something on his hand, which flinched. Juliette chuckled, "Relax. You're a bigger baby than he is." Juliette joked, referencing Nick, before she continued to treat the sting.

Nick walked into the living room, coming from the kitchen. He walked in with 2 beers in 1 hand and a water bottle in the other and held both up, "Two beers, one water." he said with a smile.

Hank looked up and Nick handed Hank a beer and Juliette the water bottle, "Bees usually sting when threatened or provoked. I wanna ask if you guys kicked a hive or something, but considering our life, it probably wasn't that." she said, putting the water bottle on the table before continuing to treat hank.

Nick was sitting on the side of the couch Juliette was sitting on and chuckled as he took a drink and smacked his lips together  "Nope. It was a Mellifer." Nick said.

Juliette froze, "A Mellifer?... Why would a Mellifer be in Beacon Hills? If anything, because of their grudge with vampires, I expected them to head to Mystic Falls. Hell, probably even New Orleans." Juliette said. She finally saw she was finished and put the cap back onto paste-bottle before putting it in her bag packing everything away.

Hank shrugged, "We have no idea. We think it's a Hexenbiest. But then again, it could still be other stuff." Hank said.

Nick then continued, "Well, Shellow and Coleman are still our best leads. I just put out an APB." Nick said.

"What about our mystery woman?" Hank asked.

Juliette got up to leave and walked past Nick, who leaned back and moved to sit on the couch where Juliette was previously sitting. "Well, two guys were reporting to her. So, there's gotta be a connection between the three of them. The mill, and Serena Dunbrook." Nick continued.

"Let's take a look at the case files Burman sent us." Hank said before he got up to leave and Nick drank his beer. 

Juliette noticed him about to leave and stopped him from the other room, "Uh-Uh, my patient is not doing anything but resting and not scratching for the next eight hours." she told him as she made her way towards him and he turned around. She was also gesturing to him scratching his arm. "Dude, if you were a dog, I would've already tranquilized you." she said, stopping at his side as Nick also made his way towards Hank.

"She's right. I got this. You go to sleep." Nick told him.

He opened the door disappointingly, "Thanks, Doc. Bye." he said before leaving with Juliette shutting the door behind him with a smile.

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