Beeware of the Magic Bullet (Part 6)

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The next day at the Wincroft,

A bunch of officers and cop cars surrounded the house as well as barrier tapes blocking off the road from people going past the house. Inside the attic of the house, which was filled with honeycombs and investigators looking around and... well... investigating. Nick was looking around as Hank then walked in, "Damn." he commented.

Nick spun around with his hands on his hips before walking over the Hank, "I know, right? When Matt said him, Stiles and Scott found something, this was not what I thought they meant." Nick told Hank quietly. Hank began to look around, dumbfounded by what was in the room as Nick continued, "Forensics says this stuff is a preliminary match to the apitoxin in Serena's system." he said as he followed after Hank, who was staring at one of the wet beehives, "That clears our beekeepers." Nick continued.

"Which makes Melissa Wincroft our primary, if we could find her. She didn't sell this place or buy a new one. It's just like she picked up and disappeared." Hank said as he stared at the honeycomb in front of him in confusion. A question then popped into Hank's mind, "Now, can you tell me how the hell we're going to explain you finding this woman and her hive to the Sheriff?" Hank asked.

But suddenly, they heard a voice coming from behind Hank, "Someone call me?" the man asked.

Hank and Nick spun around to see Sheriff Stilinski standing behind them in his outfit and his arms on his hips. Hank looked at Nick with a worried expression. Nick then deeply breathed before he began to explain, "No, Hank was just asking me how I found this place." ."And? How did you?" Noah asked.

"Well, it's all in the legal files. Read 'em last night. Everything is connected - Shellow, Coleman, the mill, even Serena." Nick explained as Noah looked at one of the hanging honeycombs with his flashlight.

"I thought you would've called Hank, honestly." Noah said.

Hank looked back at Nick worryingly again. Nick needed to come up with another lie. But Nick had a good explanation, "The Doctor told him to rest." Nick said, talking about Juliette.

Noah then turned around to face Nick as he shut off the flashlight, "Well okay then... If everything's connected, connect the dots." Noah told Nick.

Nick sighed as he looked around then back at Noah, "Well, messy class-action lawsuit about a year ago. Serena represented Ameri-mill in a hostile takeover of Primrose Paper. Uh, the employees tried to fight back against it - they lost." Nick explained.

"Let me guess, 2 of those employees were Doug Shellow and John Coleman." Hank added.

Nick nodded his head once, "Exactly. Melissa Wincroft was their boss. Her family owned and operated the mill for over a century. She had the most to lose." Nick explained again.

"So she's taking revenge on Serena for getting her company shut down." Noah continued.

Nick nodded his head and replied, "Mm-hmm.".

Suddenly, an officer entered the room, "Detectives." he called out. Nick, Hank, and Noah turned to face the cop as the cop continued, "One of the officers just called from Greenvale Park. There's been another flash mob murder." the cop said before heading back out.

Nick and Hank stared at each other with worried looks on their faces. Noah sighed, "Let's go." he said before they all left.

Noah was the first to leave and Hank walked closer to Nick as they left as well, "So we gonna bring them both with?" Hank asked.

Nick sighed, "Well they know more about this than we do surprisingly. So... yes." Nick said. Whether Nick liked it or not, those 2 teenagers know more about this than even they do and Nick and Hank needed their help.

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