Vicious Vampires And Werewolves

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I patiently waited beside my locker for Stiles and Scott to arrive. Walking into Allison and Lydia wasn't exactly fun. They wanted at least some explaining. I just freaked out and rushed off. I managed to find Stiles at his locker.


"Hey." He greeted back. He shut his locker, "You hear about the news?"

"What news?" I questioned.

We began to walk down the hall, "Apparently we're getting a substitute teacher today. Just overheard it from the teachers."

"After what happened last week, THAT's what you want to talk about?"

"Anything to get my mind off that wonderful night."

"Well I got some news, myself."

"If it anything to do with our whole..." He paused, trying to figure out a word to use, "Supernatural living, I don't wanna hear it."

"Well, not really. You remember those douchebags that came at is when we hung out with Scott?"

"I don't really remember most of anything from that night."

I forgot that he was drunk that night. "So is that a no?"

"Oh no, it's a yes... They were assholes."

"Well, they were found dead this morning."

Stiles spun towards me and we stopped, "What?" he questioned.

I nodded, "Yeah. Nick was on a call about it this morning. The guys that were murdered matched the exact description of the guys. I obviously didn't tell Nick, but yeah. That happened."

"Is that a coincidence?" 

It was somewhat hard to believe that it would be a coincidence. Bur considering our life, I wouldn't be surprised if it was. "Hope not. Besides, even if it was, what do we have on our hands then? A secret angel protecting us?" I mocked.

"Haha." Stiles sarcastically laughed, "I'm serious. What did the bodies look like?"

"Well all I got was that one of them was burned alive. The other was left out on a street."

"Well, Matt, guess what?" He put his arm around my neck and began walking with me down the hall, "We're headed there after school."

"What? NO."

He stepped back, "What? Yes. Dude, if this has got to do with the supernatural? What if... there's a new monster in town?" Stiles said, almost sounding... excited?

"What happened to almost not wanting to hear about anything supernatural related?"

"I've changed."

"In a couple seconds?"

"Yeah. Now come on. Lets find Scott."

We went around a corner and suddenly bumped into Adalind. I jumped and Stiles quickly stepped back, making her just look at us weirdly, "You guys do realize I'm not trying to hurt you... right?"

"Yeah, well, it's still gonna take a lot of getting used to." Stiles said. I had heard about how Elijah left Adalind and that they actually made up. Apparently Elijah hadn't managed to kill the Alpha but left it really wounded. It got away. But on the bright side, my training with Elijah was finished.

She sighed and rolled her eyes, "You seen the substitute yet?" she asked me.

"No. Why?" I replied as Stiles stepped back up beside me.

Her eyes widened, "You seriously haven't?? He came here in some red convertible better than Jackson's. He was pissed."

"Was he... ya know..." Stiles leaned in closer to whisper, "Hot?"

She looked at him confusingly. I knew exactly what this was about. Or WHO this was about, "Why would-" She began.

"It's Lydia." I quickly said.

She realized, "Ohhhhh. Nobody really got a good look at him. He's headed to reception if you wanna check him out." 

Stiles immediately rushed past us, pushing Adalind out of the way. She had a shocked expression on her face, "You sure he's not-"

"Gay? Not dressed like that." I told her. "Let's follow him."

We rushed after Stiles down the hallways. We eventually made it to the reception room. Allison and Lydia were standing on the opposite side of the hallway and the door to the room, trying to get a peek on the new substitute. There were about 2 other girls also trying to get a look. Also Danny. Stiles almost ran right into Allison, "Oh, sorry." he said. he then quickly realized it was ALLISON. And so he walked around her and Lydia and stood beside Danny. Me and Adalind joined them as Allison and Lydia gave us 'the look'. They were clearly still not happy.

The door to the room was wide open. The principal was talking to the new substitute or trainee or whatever he was. Basically a teacher in training. The man have pitch black hair and pale skin, along with a black leather jacket. Is he even allowed to wear that type of causal clothing as a teacher? I ignored it. The principal was talking to him with a wide smile. It was getting awkward so Adalind broke the ice, "So any update on the new, apparently hot, teacher on the block?"

"Nothing yet." Danny answered, "I managed to get a pretty good look at his eyes. And if his face is anything like them... I'm sold."

"Well he's clearly from out of town. I know pretty much everyone in this town and I've never seen him from around here." One girl spoke.

"He's gonna be supervising us on the test now instead of Mr. Harris." Lydia added.

"Well that's a relief." I said. 

The principal began to get up, as did the mysterious man. "Scatter!" One girl said and that they did. Allison and Lydia stepped out of view of the room and began to chat innocently. Danny turned towards me and Stiles and we pretended to have a conversation. The man shook her hand and she escorted him out of the room. She then began to walk with him as well, beginning to lead him down the hall in our direction, "I'll give you a tour." she said.

"That would be wonderful, ma'am." He said. he reminded me of your typical bad boy.

Lydia looked behind her to see the man and Allison leaned the side to catch a glimpse of the man. I glanced to the side to get a good look. And as if he immediately knew. His eyes turned towards me. Then suddenly, as he was walking away, he pulled his glasses down slightly so I could see his eyes.  They were pitch black. And then... he smirked. It was a wide smirk as well. The type of smirk any girl would fall for. I gave him a weird look and he pulled his glasses up and looked away. He then followed the principal down the hall. Allison and Lydia walked up beside as as we all watched the man go.

"Did he seriously just smirk at you??" Lydia questioned. Looks like she saw the smirk he gave me.

"Maybe he might be gay?" I suggested. I then nudged Danny, "Then there's your shot." I joked.

"I think you're forgetting that he's probably in his early 20s."

"Wouldn't stop me." Lydia said, staring at the man's back as if she was completely seduced by it. Stiles stared at her in shock, which I noticed. He was completely speechless. I put my hands on both his shoulders and began pushing him down the opposite direction of the hallway.

"It's okay, buddy. It's okay." 

He really was not okay.

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