Heart Monitor (Part 5)

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The group turned around a corner outside of the school, seeing a black 4x4 car, confusing Scott, Matt and Adalind, "What are we doing?" Scott asked. 

"You'll see. Hold on." Stiles quickly answered as they came to a stop.

"Okay," Stiles walked in front of Scott and made sure Scott was standing still in place, "Stand right there. Do you have your keys?"

Scott took them out of his pocket and looked down at them, "Perfect." Stiles took the hand holding the keys in his hand, "Hold 'em up like so." he said as he adjusted his hand so that Scott was holding up the key directly and clearly in front of him.

Matt and Adalind looked at what was happened all lost. Stiles looked behind him to see if what he was looking for was there, making Adalind also look past him. She noticed a group of tough guys and had a feeling on what was about to happen. Stiles looked back at Scott as he readjusted his backpack over his shoulder, "Now, whatever happens, just think about Allison. Try to find her voice like you did at the game. Got it?"

Scott tried to understand what Stiles just said before he nodded his head, "Okay." he replied.

Stiles readjusted Scott's hand holding the key again, "Just keep holding it right there." he told him. Stiles looked at the Matt and Adalind, "You guys might wanna follow me." he told them. Matt and Adalind did so, not fully understanding what Stiles was planning, but listening nonetheless.

Stiles began walking towards the car with Matt and Adalind following behind. He took out his own pair of keys and began fiddling with it. J they walked right beside the black car, Stiles scratched his keys against it, leaving a white scratch in it's track. Scott's mouth dropped with his eyes widened from shock; same could be said for how Adalind and Matt. Matt's eyes widened as Adalind stared at the event as if Stiles was an idiot. 

When Stiles came to the end of the car, he stopped scratching the car and walked a few feet ahead of the car, still with Adalind and Matt behind him. Stiles glanced at the group of guys before looking back ahead of him, "Hey, hey, hey, dude! What do you think you're doing to that truck, bro???" Stiles yelled.

The 4 students turned around, seeing the state of the truck and the position Scott was in, "What the hell!?" one of them yelled.

The students walked towards Scott, as Scott was simply in complete shock, realizing the position he was in and what this looked like. He quickly stuck the key back in his pocket and shook his head at the incoming students. A punch was sent right into Scott's face, knocking him back.

"Ow!" Stiles yelled before Adalind uttered, "My God." And Matt let out a surprised, "Wow."

Scott held his jaw from the pain before he tried tackling the guy the punched him, but not succeeding.

The guys simply threw Scott away and onto the ground face first. "He does know him fighting back isn't really helping?" Adalind asked aloud.

2 students pulled Scott back before turning him onto his side and kicking him. Stiles and Matt cringed and groaned at the sight of their friend getting hurt and stiles looked down at the heart monitor on his phone to see Scott's results - it was rising. "Ahh, come on. Stay calm. Stay calm." Stiles muttered.

Matt leaned closer to Adalind, "You're really telling me there's no whitchy-woo stuff you could do to help Scott control his werewolf side more?" he asked.

She shook her head, "Nope. That's like asking if I could lessen a vampire's lust for blood. It's impossible." She crossed her arms and sighed, "He needs to do this on his own."

"You sure know a lot about this stuff don't you?" he sarcastically said as he looked back at Scott.

She turned to him with her eyes narrowed, sensing the hint of insult in his voice, "And what exactly do you mean by that?" she asked.

"Well if you 2 are done there, our best friend is getting beaten to a pulp." Stiles called out to them.

"Your best friend." Adalind corrected.

Matt rolled his eyes as he took the phone from Stiles' hand and looked down at the heart monitor. it was rising even faster, "Oh, that's not okay. Scott, come on, buddy..." he uttered. 

After a few seconds of watching the event, Mr. Harris arrived, "Stop!" he yelled at them. They looked back and ran away as he arrived, "Hey, stop it right now!"

Scott turned over onto his back with his bloody nose, seeing Mr. Harris towering over him. He looked down at him, "What do you idiots think you're doing?" he questioned. Scott looked up at his 2 friends and Adalind. Stiles held up his phone with a wide smile, revealing his heart beat was completely steady and he made it through. Matt also had a wide smile on his face as Adalind still had a completely straight face.


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