Episode 3: A Bear Mentality (Part 8)

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Matt shot up from his bed with a gasp. Matt looked around to see he was in his room and breathing heavily. It was a dream. He quickly looked at his right hand only to see it was perfectly fine, making Matt sigh in relief. "Come on, Matt! Wake up! We're finishing this case today!" he heard Nick yell.

Suddenly, Juliette opened the door to see if he was awake only to see Matt breathing heavily as if he just had a heart attack, "You okay?" she asked.

Matt panted heavily, "Yeah. Yeah I'm alright. Just a bad dream." he answered.

She cocked her head to the side, "About what?" she asked.

Matt chuckled, "Uhhh. It was about my brother stabbing me in my hand." he answered with a smile, realizing how stupid it was.

Juliette smiled. A slight sense of nostalgia from remembering Nick had the same dream around the time of their early-dating life. Except it wasn't Matt stabbing him or anything like that, but his aunt. She sighed, "It's probably nothing. Nick had the same one once. It meant nothing. Bad dreams amongst Grimms aren't that uncommon." Juliette told him. Matt sighed in relief and fell onto his pillow, but Juliette was still there for a reason, "Now come on, Matt. It'll be your first Wesen capture. I'm operating on a Beagle at 7:00. I'll see you later." she told him before leaving the room.


Matt and Nick, now inside the... Wesen truck were looking for anything they could find on the Jagerbars. Matt was now in a black shirt with torn, brown pants as Nick was in a gray shirt. Nick was reading through a book as Matt was looking around. He suddenly remembered his dream... the cabinet. He headed towards the cabinet and opened it. He scanned all the weapons until one caught his eye. A claw-like knife with claws. He took it out and examined it in his hands. After a bit of examining, he immediately recognized it. He turned to Nick, "Hey Nick." Nick stuck his head up from the Bestiary and Matt stuck the knife up and twisted it around his hand, "Look familiar?" he asked.

Nick recognized it too, "The same knife at The Rabe House... Not only that..." he stuck up the book and turned it to face Matt. The same knife was shown in the Jagerbars section of The Bestiary, "It's a Jagerbar disembowelment tool. AND-" he directed for Matt to come to him as Nick laid the book down for him and Matt to see and read. "It's claws are used in a ritual called, The Roh-Hatz." Nick explained.

"Roh-Hatz?" Matt asked.

Nick nodded, "Yep. It's... damn that's gonna be hard to explain to you. Uhhhh..." he thought of how he could explain it until he finally got it, "As Monroe would probably explain, it's like a Bar Mitzvah for bears, or Jagerbars. It's supposed to connect the wesen's primitive beast in all Wesen."

"Okay, okay. Anything else?" he asked.

Nick shook his head, "Nope. I remember dealing with something like this, but I had some... Hexenbiest problems. The Hexenbiest burnt down some of the books. I managed to save some of it though, but not enough. And I can't exactly remember ALL my Grimm adventures." Nick told him.

They were stuck. They didn't have any more information of the Jagerbar or this... ritual. They needed to find out quick. But there was one person that definitely knew what the Roh-Hatz was. Matt slapped Nick's shoulder lightly to get his attention, "What about Monroe? He's a Blutbad and he DEFINITELY would remember." Matt suggested.

"You're probably right. Let's go." Nick said. Both left with their jackets and headed to their next destination. Monroe and Rosalee's house.

Monroe and Rosalee's home

Monroe and Rosalee were in the middle of pilates, both listening to calming music. But while Rosalee seemed to be not having a problem, Monroe tried to hide the pain he was feeling in his muscles. She looked to the side and noticed his slightly struggling doing the pose they were doing, "Monroe? You okay?" she asked.

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