Episode 3: The Pack Mentality (Part 3)

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"She looked in the window, and then peeped through the keyhole; seeing nobody in the house, she lifted the latch." - Goldilocks and The Three Bears

The mansion, The Gabe Property,

2 teenagers were sneaking near the mansion to break in. A guy with long hair named Rocky and a blonde girl named Gilda Darner. After finding their way to the door, Rocky broke down the door's window panel and unlocked it from the inside. Once they opened the door, they looked around with their flashlights to see if anybody was still at home. They made their way down a hallway until they finally found what they were looking for. They entered the room and switched on the lights, revealing... the kitchen?

The light lit up the whole room as she walked past the centre Kitchen counter, her hand sliding against it, " Ohhhh!" she said as she spread her hands out on the table, "Nirvana." she said as Rocky continued looking around. She turned around and opened the fridge behind her. She sighed when she saw the whole fridge being filled with expensive food and drinks, "Why weren't we born rich?" she asked.

"'Cause our parents didn't have money" Rocky answered before grabbing a bottle of wine to see what it was.

Minutes later, in the living room, a fire in the fireplace lit up the room as food was scattered across a table. They were both now in different clothes. He wore a black tuxedo as she wore a black long dress with shining jewelry. They walked towards each other and clinked their wine glasses together. In a mocking voice, he asked, "Shall we go on our yacht, darling?"

As she put her hand in her hair,she answered in a mocking voice as well, "Which one?" 

They took a sip of the wine, before Gilda threw her glass into the fire, shattering the glass as they both giggle. They both ran up the stairs of the mansion while giggling until Rocky tripped on them, "Slow down!" he told her.

She looked back at Rocky as she continued running, "Oh, you wish!" she told him.

Rocky finally made his way to one of the bedrooms, but she was nowhere to be found. He continued looking for her in a singing voice, "Gilda? Where do you think..." his voice began to lower as he looked around the other side of the room, "...you're going?"

Rocky stopped short as he looked up and noticed totems hanging in the room.  He began to eye them when suddenly, Gilda scared him with a shout as she tackled him, making them both fall on top of the bed laughing. They start to kiss but Gilda quickly pushes him aside with a laugh, "Catch me if you can." she told him as she jumped off the bed and ran off. 

"Oh, I can." he replied as he got back up.

He walked inside another bedroom where Gilda ran off to, but she was nowhere to be found. As he walked towards the bed and took off his jacket, he began looking around, "Gilda... come on." he said. He took off his tie and fell onto the bed, a little out of breath. He looks back up to see Gilda standing in the corner of the room, wearing a big fur coat and a hat. She flirtatiously began to take off the coat, revealing that she was wearing nothing but a pink bra and underwear. She threw it on the ground and threw herself on Rocky. And they began to make out.

Little did they know, a truck approached the Gabe property with a dead deer on it's hood. It stopped in front of the house making the breaks hiss. 

Inside, Gilda heard the car breaks coming from the outside, making her immediately stop. She lifted herself back up, pushing Rocky off her, "What was that?" she questioned.

"What?" he asked. "I think I heard a car." she answered. "No, you didn't." Rocky told her before trying to resume their business. She giggled at his attempt to bring her back down, "Rocky, stop. Go look out the window." she told him. He stopped, "Now?" he asked her. She turned back to him, "Yeah, go." she ordered, handing him a shirt.

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