Episode 1: Wolf Moon (part 4)

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After Matt left Stiles' home, he was on his way back home. He really needed to get back considering how late it was. Stiles told him that they needed to find Allison, but Matt couldn't join him. Scott was slowly turning becoming more savage. It was a full moon after all. Things were happening though, not just to Scott, but Matt as well. He's been... experiencing things. Seeing things.

Just today a school, he thought he saw one of his classmates have a sheep-like face for a moment. When we were on our way to find Scott at school, he passed one of them have a bird-like face as well. Funny things is, they knew. They definitely noticed.

Each time, they would stumble back in fear. Throughout the whole school day, those people he saw... change, they all have been avoiding him. Some side-eying him. It hasn't exactly made him proud. Nobody else seemed to notice though. it seemed like he was a crazy person, slightly jumping at the sight of one of them changing, the pains in my head during class... and seeming to know EVERY answer in the questions asked. He never knew anything of what he was going to learn this year. And Nick definitely knew something about it... or at least knew what something was up with Scott.

He shook his head as another pain suddenly popped into his head. He massaged his head, before suddenly heard a few stick cracking nearby. He turned around only to see nothing and nobody there. He knew someone was nearby. A large pain suddenly burst in his head. He clenched it tightly as he fell to the ground on one knee. He quickly saw a few images in his head.

A painter in the renaissance.

Someone riding a carriage with a woman. 

A man being attacked by a... wolf.

He turned his head across the road to see a man standing there. He wore a black leather jacket with brown jeans. He couldn't get a clear view of the man, but he could hear the man... growling

The man clenched his fist as he glared at him. Matt stood back up and faced the man, "Uhh, could I help you?" Matt asked him. The man stepped closer, revealing a man with a bear like face. His nostril larger and teeth sharpened. His ears grew round as his skin turned brown. Matt slowly started stepping back in fear as the creature started growling and gruffing more. His fist clenched and Matt knew what was coming next. Run.

Matt took off, dropping his bag down. The creature quickly caught up to him though and tackled him quickly, scratching his legs. The beast jumped on top of him and turned him around, face to face.  He now had a clear view of the creature in front of him as it roared. His breath smelled horrendous, "YOU'LL PAYING FOR KILLING OUR KIND, GRIMM!" it roared.


The creature started choking Matt as he tried pushing the creature off of him. Just before it was about to bite into his face, at some reflex, he grabbed the fingers of the beast and bent it back, breaking the beast's finger. It roared in pain and Matt took this opportunity, punching the beast and running fast towards his home. The creature growled, then fixed his fingers as he growled at his prey running. 

"HEY! HEY! HELP! THIS GUY'S TRYING TO -" he was suddenly tackled to the ground again, and just before he bit into Matt's neck, he heard bullets fire on top of him. He felt the body suddenly fall on him, causing hi to groan from all the weight. He wondered who it was and looked forward, seeing a black jeans with a black leather jacket. he knew who it was. His brother, Nick Burkhart.

The body was kicked off him and Nick helped his younger brother up, Matt started stumbling from all the dizziness, "Hey? You alright?" Nick asked him. 

Matt continued breathing heavily as he balanced himself, "I just got chased by some... THING, for like... 12 blocks! And you're asking me if I'm alright?" Matt exclaimed. 

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