The Tell (Part 4)

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Class finally ended. All the students rushed out of class with Matt looking for 1 specific person, Ms. Schade. Stiles walked beside Matt and quickly said, "I'm gonna try to get in touch with Scott, you..." his voice faded when they both saw Adalind walking with a crowd. he sighed, "You go deal with her." he continued.

"What'd you think I was gonna do?" Matt replied and he began to chase after her. Stiles walked in the other direction to try and phone Scott.

Matt pushed his way through the crowd, not caring if he pushed anyone over by accident. When he finally made it to her, he grabbed her arm and pulled her away. Adalind smiled, knowing it was him and complied, "Oh, what's the big deal?" she asked playfully.

Matt pushed her into a bathroom and checked to see if anybody followed before shutting the door and turning towards her. She looked around the bathroom with a smile before turning to him, "You know, if you wanted to get frisky, you could've just asked." she said.

Matt held his finger up at her, "Adalind, I swear, if any of my friends or family gets hurt-".

"Relaaaax! My dad's not here for you or your friends or family." she said before walking around the bathroom, moving her fingers along the wall as she did so. "Well, at least not fully." she continued.

He had other questions for Adalind. "Was that him? Was he the vampire at my house last night?" Matt demanded.

She crinkled her eyebrows in confusion before turning towards him, "He visited you guys already? Guess he really wants to talk with your brother." she said. Matt stuck his finger up, about to threaten her. She quickly interrupted him, knowing what he would say, "Relaax why don't you? He doesn't wanna hurt any of you guys. You're honestly not worth his time. Mine? Kinda are." she said.

Not worth his time? Who did this guys think he is? Matt scoffed and put his finger down and hands onto his hips, "Well your dad sure has a big ego. Plus, as far as I've read, vampires can't have children." he replied.

She slowly began to walk around him with her arm crossed, "He isn't me biological dad. My biological dad is a dick and doesn't care about her daughter. This vampire is more of a dad than he would ever be. But you wouldn't know what it feels like to have a dad, now would you?". Matt spun around and glared at her. She didn't even flinch. She knew he wouldn't try anything on her while still in a school and a vampire around. She smirked and realized there was one question she didn't answer... "You said he has a big ego. That's not actually true." she continued before continuing to walk around him in a circle, "He doesn't have a big ego. It's honestly just because he has bigger things to worry about than 2 Grimms that would have no chance of killing him."

Matt spun around as she did, his eyes following her, "Nick's killed vampires before. I'm sure this guy'll be no big deal." he replied.

She immediately stopped as did he. She turned towards him and cocked her head, "You think so? Okay." she said before suddenly grabbing his hand and pulling him to the bathroom door.

"What the hell-" Matt said, but was Adalind ignored him and opened the door. She pulled him out of the bathroom and into the hallway, pushing through all the other students.

Adalind finally decided to explain, "You said he'd be no big deal. So I want you to meet him. Then you'll see why he's not like every other vampire. Since you're being so cocky of course." she said ending off her words by sending him a smirk. Matt attempted to pull his hand out of her grip, but she was too strong. He was about to tell others to help him, but his mouth just wouldn't budge. It was her. He wanted to grab onto people to help but if he actually did so, people would probably either punch him or ignore him, so Matt went back to trying to pull his hand out of her grip.

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