Day Seven - The Tudors

Start from the beginning

"This request troubles you." Charles figured

"Yes. She even suggested a husband here, now that the burdens are less on her. She had a point. Yet who dare I trust with my most beloved daughter."

"Any man would be lucky to have her as a wife.And too scared to put a foot wrong against his majesties daughter." Charles tried to assure him. Henry looked at him properly.

"You know as well as I. The public face people see then there is what really goes on."

"That is true." Charles agreed.

"I doubt there will be any man I will trust with her." he sighed "No she is too precious to be sullied or harmed by any man."


At another feat Henry watched his daughter finished dancing. Grace then took a goblet of wine and went to converse with Charles. The two laughed as they talked. Henry's head tilted a bit. as he watched the two interact with one another.

"Your majesty." Thomas Cromwell bowed "I have had portraits commissioned."

"No talks of me remarrying. My focus is that of my daughter Princess Grace." Henry brushed him off. Thomas bowed once more and left. Later on Charles was called to see Henry. they gave their pleasantries, before the two sat down.

"Charles. I've been under the misconception that there is no one that I would trust with Grace. I was wrong, you have been my lifelong friend. The two of you get along and enjoy each others company" Charles was shocked. Henry had outcasted him the last time he even looked at a Tudor Princess let alone married her. Now he was suggesting a match between his friend and daughter.

"While it is true myself and Princess Grace do get along. His majesty did not favour the last time I married family."

"That is because you did not have permission. This time you do. You are in need of a wife and a mother for the children. i know i can trust you above all other and you already have a relationship with Grace." Charles seemed helpless to disrepute anything. Denying the request would be bad it's self.

"Doesn't the Princess want someone her own age?" Charles wondered

"Would you trust boys her own age." Henry had him there "Good it's settled."


Grace was informed about her match with her fathers best friend. She knew she should have seen it coming but she didn't. However it wouldn't stop anything now. She went to see Charles.

"Papa just told me the news." she began "I'm sure this is not what you envisioned if you were to remarry."

"Nor I to be the husband you dreamt of having." he countered.

"But once Papa has an idea in his head , he's like a dog with a bone." the two chuckle at her comment "I promise to make a good wife though."

"and I a good husband."

"Papa spoke of a Christmas wedding. Only the best for his daughter."

"Your father loves you dearly, only the best and most trusted orbit your presence." Charles confirmed.


The news was announced of the match between the Princess Grace and the Duke of Suffolk. Celebrations were held in their honour. Mary and Ambassador Chapuys watched Grace and Charles dance together.

"As usual my sister gets everything. If I were to even broach the subject of marriage, he would shut me down. All the suffering this family has been through. Heaven forbid it touches is legitimate daughter." The dance finished and Grace came over to the two.

"Sister." she chimed "Won't you come and dance?"

"Not tat this present moment, sister."

"Mary I'm sure the ambassador can spare you for one dance." Mary did not budge on the matter "Ambassador would you, excuse us?" Grace requested. The ambassador bowed and left the two of them alone.

"I know what this is about."

"Do you now." Mary sassed her

"Yes I do." she nodded "This animosity you have is because you have been treated unfairly by our father since the downfall of our mother. I was not." She stated and Mary shifted knowing her sister was right.

"It's true, you were. You always have been. But do you know how lucky you are?" Mary turned her gaze to her sister "You were sent away into the care of a governess, while i was kept here to watch first hadn't what that witch destroyed. Every moment fearing that one of those cockroaches would succeed in their efforts in ridding me completely. Fathers love put me in danger because while he still loved me, while I was still in his presence they knew that one word from me could change the tide."

"Then why didn't you? You could have saved our mother."

"No I couldn't. She knew that, she said so herself the day she was sent away. She made me promise that I would protect myself. She knew that father never could part with me, for the sake of both of us I was told not to make wavesthatj could turn favour. As long as I remained myself.I was untouchable. Not even the Boelyns could touch me in fear that my father would relate and ruin everything for them. She was right. Even to this day fathers love for me protects you and Lizzie. If my father can grant my wish of marriage then he can to you and Elizabeth. Something our mother nor the witch could see through. Your animosity is and always has been unfounded." she kissed her sisters cheek and returned to the celebrations.


Christmastime came around as did the wedding. Nothing was spared for the favourite daughter of the King. Grace was prepared in her chambers and Charles prepared himself, then he made his way to the alter. He was met by the King and bowed. Henry smiled as the spectators watched on. Eventually Grace glided down the aisle in a ivory dress, crown and veil. For a second Grace reminded him of her mother as she came to a stop beside her future husband.

"We are gathered here today in the sigh of God to join this man and this woman in holy matrimony....Charles do you take Grace to be your lawful wife, do you promise to love and cherish her in sickness and in health for as long as you both shall live?"

"I do." Charles agreed.

"Grace do you take Charles to be your lawful husband, do you promise to love and cherish him in sickness and in health for as long as you both shall live?"

"I do" she smiled triumphantly

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