Chapter 8

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chapter eight

    As a result, the junkyard didn't go to completion. For this considerable amount of materials needed for the ceremony, Ning Youli worked overtime, and the time for practice in the morning was miserably crowded.

    No wonder... When she went to Xilian Peak to deliver the materials, those disciples looked at her sympathetically.

    Yes, Qing Yunzong is after all a fairy sect, no matter the inner sect or the outer sect, they all tend to cultivate and attain the Tao. Even if the talent and time of the outer sect disciples are far inferior to the inner sect disciples, they can still earnestly practice in the spare time when they have finished the work in their hands.

    Especially in the beginning of qi refining, you must lay a solid foundation, so that you can achieve more with less effort in the future.

    But Ning Youli was disrupted by the task as soon as he entered the sect, and he couldn't take care of the most important things. Can he not arouse sympathy and pity?

    Therefore, Ning Youli was appeased by several brothers and sisters who were not very familiar with them: "Senior Sister Ning doesn't have to be impatient. When the suzerain's exit ceremony is over, the brothers and sisters will definitely give advice."

    Is she impatient? Don't be impatient.

    Ning Youli smiled calmly, and unexpectedly caught all the spiritual fish that the main peak called for.

    In a blink of an eye, it was time for the Sect Master to leave the customs.

    The main peak where the sect master of Qingyun Sect lived was called Hanshan, which fits the name of "the height is invincible". Although the disciples of the sect can run around the sky with spiritual energy after building the foundation, and are not afraid of the cold, but whenever they go, they will let their bodies dry before they dare to set out.

    One word, cold.

    Besides, the talent of the Sect Master of Qingyun Sect is even more enviable. Although he has seen all the secrets of heaven, his cultivation has not been hindered by the heavenly way. From qi refining to Mahayana, the amount of time spent is astounding.

    However, after all, people have bottlenecks, because they are stuck in the middle stage of Mahayana and cannot break through to the later stage, so the hobby of the suzerain becomes a retreat.

    From a few months, a few years, to a dozen years, a few decades... Time is the most valuable and least valuable to a cultivator, but for a Mahayana monk, it is definitely the latter.

    When the sect master leaves the customs, it is like the arrival of the ancestors, and the inner disciples must visit regardless of their status, not to mention that he has been closed for decades this time. During this period, a lot of fresh blood poured into the Qingyun Sect, and the outstanding disciples of the past have also improved to a higher level. Besides, the peak masters also want to see the sect master, and hope that the direct disciples they are optimistic about will also enter the eyes of the sect master.

    The most important thing is to ask the Sect Master to help you calculate.

    Once a hexagram accounted for a life and death deed, which shocked the entire world of immortals.

    Talent, future, catastrophe, these are already boring things, and it is not easy for the peak masters to disturb the sect master with such mundane things.

    The rest, only their own minds.

    At this moment, Ning Youli was holding a plate and climbing the ladder with the outer disciples.

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