Mutation Situation: Part 1

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Brooke's POV:

It's been a few months since we defeated the Krang, and life couldn't be any better. The world is safe, everyone's still here, and it feels like a giant weight has been lifted off our shoulders. We're all leaping among the city's rooftops for fun while braggingly describing our recent victory.

Raph: "And then I took my sai, and shortened that Kraang-droid's skull. So cool!"

Donnie: "Sure, Raph. But I used my uncanny scientific knowledge to bring down an inter-dimensional portal! Equally as awesome!"

Me: "And don't forget Master Splinter."

Leo: "Oh, I wish I could've seen him take out the Shredder."

Mikey: "And, let's not forget Cottage Cheese Demon. If we didn't stuff him in that microwave, the Earth would be drowned in living cheese!"

Raph: "For the 22nd time, Mikey, there was no cottage cheese demon ever!"

Mikey: "Did you see him?"

Raph: "No."

Mikey: "Then how do you know? Huh?"

Raph: "What? I d-That doesn't even-Ugh!"

I place a hand on Raph's shoulder. He places his own over mine, and looks to Mikey with an exhausted smile.

Raph: "Sure, man. Cheese demon. Whatever you say."

Leo: "We are awesome!"

We all cheer in excitement before Donnie speaks up.

Donnie: "So, we gonna stop by April's? We are 1.3 blocks and 6-No, no. 7 meters away from her apartment."

Raph: "Yeah, that's not weird or anything, Donnie."

Me: "Like you wouldn't do the same if it were me."

Raph turns to me with a smirk.

Raph: "Touche."

{Time skip}

Donnie knocks on April's window.

Donnie: "Handsome-gram for April O'Neil."

April opens the window with a nervous smile.

April: "Guys! Uh, great to see you."

We go to enter, but April holds a hand out to stop us.

April: "Yeah, you mind staying on the fire escape?"

Leo: "Seems like you've been avoiding us lately, April."

April: "It's not my fault. Dad's alien abduction nightmares are getting worse. He's so freaked out, he won't let me out at night."

Right then, April's dad walks into the room from the shadows.

Kirby: "I'm sorry, April. It's just, what if the Kraang are still out there? Waiting, lurking. I'll do anything to protect you."

April: "Dad, I can take care of myself now. And I'll be with the guys. I couldn't be more safe."

Mikey: "Trust us, Mr. O'Neil. Shredder & those little squishy brain-freaks are long gone."

{Time skip}

I'm sitting on the couch reading, Donnie's in his lab, and the others are playing 'Ninja Dodgeball' with the Kraang's old communication orb.

Mikey: "Missed me again, Leo."

Mikey throws the orb at Leo, Leo kicks it over to Raph, and Raph catches and tosses it into the tire swing, pinball machine, the dojo's window, and into Donnie's lab.

Raph: "Ha! You're out, Leo."

Leo: "It doesn't count on a bounce."

Me: "Well, technically, multiple bounces, but I'm not the judge here."

Donnie walks out of the lab in annoyance.

Donnie: "What are you guys doing?"

Mikey: "Playing dodgeball, fool."

Donnie: "With the Kraang communication orb? This is a rare and fragile piece of alien tech. Brooke, why didn't you stop them?"

Me: "I tried, but you boys are stubborn when you want something done 'properly'."

Raph: "Don't get your shell undies in a tangle, Donnie. Besides, the Kraang are toast."

Mikey: "Yeah, lighten up, dude. This is a party."

Splinter walks out from the dojo to stand before us.

Splinter: "My students, I know you are still joyously reveling in the defeat of our enemies. But a great question remains."

Mikey: "What if cupcakes could talk?"

Splinter: "Are our enemies truly defeated? The Shredder is a crafty and patient foe who bides his time."

Leo: "But Sensei, you said Shredder lost whatever sense of honor he had left. We'd never see him again."

Raph: "Yeah, and if he shows up, we got it all taken care of."

We all start to walk away before Splinter signals for our attention again.

Splinter: "You five have become lazy, overconfident. You shirk your training. This party ends now!"

Splinter walks off to his room.

Mikey: "Well, that was kinda harsh."

Me: "Maybe Master Splinter's right. Maybe we are getting too cocky."

Raph: "It's not cockiness when you got the skills to kick massive-Whoa."

Right then, the communication orb starts glowing.

April: "That thing's working again?"

Donnie: "It's been quiet for weeks. It must've received an incoming signal. Which can mean only one thing."

Mikey: "Cupcakes can talk!"

Leo: "The Kraang are back."

Well, I guess the party really is over.


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