Mikey Gets Shellacne: Part 2

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Brooke's POV:

Now that we have more information, Donnie can perform more specifically detail-oriented tests to figure out how to cure Mikey.

Donnie: "Oh, no."

Mikey: "Please tell me that's a good 'oh, no'."

Donnie: "It's a terrible 'oh, no'. According to these blood tests, the mutagen in your system is unstable. You only have 3 hours until-"

Leo: "Until what? What'll happen to him?"

Donnie: "In scientific terms, go boom."

Mikey: "I'm gonna explode?!"

Donnie: "Like a massive zit. But now that I know what caused this, I think I can engineer an antidote from the remaining sample."

Mikey: "Yes, yes, yes! I love you, man."

Splinter: "Then you must start right away."

Donnie: "I'm just missing one key instrument, though. A molecular centrifuge to mix the solution."

Mikey: "No problem! Money is no object. Leo, can I borrow some cash?"

Donnie: "The only place I've ever seen a molecular centrifuge was at TCRI."

Raph: "But we blew that place up when we took down the Kraang. What could be left?"

{Time skip}

We head down to the wreckage to see what we can find.

Donnie: "Everybody spread out and start looking."

We all look around, Mikey repeatedly finding the incorrect object, but we are still looking for a centrifuge. However, we hear someone's voice and hide in case it's one of our enemies. Funny enough, Baxter Stockman walks in carrying a box of spare parts.

Baxter: "Soon, I'll be able to create my own mutant army. Powerful, unstoppable-"

Raph: "Dorkster Blockhead?"

Baxter: "It's Baxter Stockman! Wait, Turtles? Here? Now?"

We leap down to see that he has the centrifuge we need.

Donnie: "Hand it over, Storkman!"

Baxter: "Stockman, and no! I found it first. Mousers, attack!"

We fight off the Mousers while simultaneously shielding Mikey to avoid getting popped when Dogpound bursts in through the roof.

Dogpound: "Well, if it isn't weaselly little Stinkman."

Leo: "Back off, Dogpound. We found him first."

Dogpound: "Stinkman, the Turtles, and their little princess? And I thought I was having a bad day."

We fight against Dogpound, but he knocks us over to the ground, grabs Stockman, flees the scene, and pounds the wall for the unstable building to crash on top of us.

{Time skip}

Raph: "I can't believe that fleabag beat us. I want a rematch!"

Me: "So do I, Raph. But right now, we need to figure out how to get that centrifuge from Baxter now that he's got the Foot to back him up."

Donnie walks out of his lab with a chart.

Donnie: "His zits are getting more unstable. If any of them get popped, they could cause a chain reaction. Ala my 'zit-popping diagram' here."

He shows us multiple drawings of how Mikey's condition will progress if we don't get the centrifuge.

Mikey: "So I pop either way?"

Donnie: "We just have to keep you safe. It's too dangerous to leave the lair."

Mikey: "But I never got to visit a wax museum, or learn Pig Latin, or open a mummy's tomb where the mummy comes alive, but he's so cool we form a hip-hop group and travel around the world together in a golden UFO. I wanna do that."

Raph carefully places a hand on Mikey's shoulder in reassurance.

Raph: "Right. Listen, Mikey, we're gonna get that centrifuge. We'll do whatever it takes to fix you."

Mikey: "Wow, Raph, thanks."

Leo: "Ok, Dogpound and Boxcar. Where could they be? The old city dump."

Raph: "Nah. They turned it into a retirement home."

Me: "The abandoned nuclear plant?"

Donnie: "Now it's a nursery school."

Mikey: "What about Baxter's old lab?"

Raph: "Why would Dogpound capture Dexter and take him to his old lab? It makes no sense."

Mikey: "See? You guys never take me seriously! No one but Brooke ever does."

Me: "Mikey, that's not-"

Leo: "Maybe they went to Bradford's dojo."

Donnie: "Possibility."

Ok, not helping my case, but I can't stop them now. Mikey runs off, supposedly into his room, and I sigh in sympathy for his response to the situation. Hopefully, he'll be more open-minded after some time alone.


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