Mousers Attack: Part 2

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Brooke's POV:

Mikey's sitting upside down between Donnie & me in the living room, with Donnie reviewing my answers for my chemistry exam, and Raph's sitting next to the TV with a magazine. Leo walks in from the kitchen with a cocky grin.

Leo: "Look guys, Raph & I may be better fighters-

I send Leo a glare as I grit my teeth in angered annoyance.

Me: "Leonardo, enough! Mikey & Donnie are just as important to this team, and this family, as you are. One sparring match doesn't take away their importance; nothing ever will."

Mikey and Donnie turn to me with grateful smiles as Raph turns to us with a smirk.

Raph: "Wow, guys, having my girlfriend fight your battles? Talk about 'B-Team'."

I turn to him with the same smirk he's giving us.

Me: "Oh, baby, I'm not just your girlfriend. I'm also the girl who's kicked your shell in more than just the one sparring match and who's considerate of her team's feelings. Oh yeah, and I'm the girl who can have you benched from fighting-*snaps her fingers*-Like that. After all, I am the Queen and co-leader of your team. How's that for fighting their battles, Hot Shot?"

Raph drops his smirk as Mikey 'ooh's and high-fives me. I laugh before turning to see April with a scared look as we all approach her.

Donnie: "April. what's wrong? Are you ok?"

April: "I just got mugged by some Purple Dragons. They stole my phone."

Leo: "Don't worry. We'll kick their butts for you."

Raph: "Yeah, we'll teach those punks to mess with April O'Neil."

Me: "For the time being, I'm with you on this."

April: "Guys, it's just a phone, I'll get another one."

Donnie: "Come on. What's the point of being a ninja if you can't help your friends when they get robbed?"

We turn to Splinter as he speaks up from across the room.

Splinter: "April is right. It is best to let this go."

I walk to stand before my team.

Me: "Sensei, if they use the phone's built-in GPS, they could track where she's been in the last 48 hours and discover the location of our home. I understand that we can never predict the consequences of a battle, but we can't risk having our home infiltrated by our foes."

Splinter walks over to us with a stern look. I freeze as he stops just short of where I'm standing.

Splinter: "Very well. You may go on with this mission. But, as a leader, you must understand that you will take full responsibility for your team's actions."

I bow my head.

Me: "Hai, Sensei."

I turn to my team as Leo and Raph send me apologetic looks.

Me: "Let's go."

They all nod as we rush out of the lair. I hope the consequences will not be as dire as Sensei believes.

{Time skip}

We sneak into the old fortune cookie factory and kick one of the Dragons in the stomach. Fong turns to us in surprise.

Fong: "The turtles?"

Raph: "'Sup."

Fong: "Get 'em."

While I fight off my share of Dragons, I notice that Raph and Leo are fighting off the Dragons before Mikey and Donnie can get a chance.

Me: *growls* "Raph, Leo, enough! Mikey, Donnie-"

I back away from the guys I've been fighting.

Me: "All yours."

Mikey and Donnie both smirk as they go to attack them. Meanwhile, I turn to the 'A-Team' with a glare.

Me: "I covered your shells back at the lair, and if you don't get a sense of true teamwork through your thick skulls, I'm the one who pays for it."

Before Leo and Raph can respond, we hear the thugs trying to escape.

Fong: "Let's get out of here!"

I roll my eyes as I pinch the bridge of my nose with a groan. I point a warning finger at Leo and Raph.

Me: "To be continued."

We then leap to surround them with Donnie and Leo on one side, Mikey and Raph on the other, and me standing across from the Dragons at the center, and I hold Fong up against the wall.

Me: "You punks stole the phone of a friend of ours. We'd like it back."

Fong puts his hands up in surrender.

Fong: "Whatever. We steal a lot of phones."

Me: "Well let's see 'em. Now!"

He leads us over to everything they've stolen. Donnie points to a phone with a red case.

Donnie: "Hey, that looks like it."

Suddenly, the whole building starts to shake.

Mikey: "Does anyone else feel that?"

Suddenly, a group of small robotic creatures erupt from the ground.


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