The Invasion: Part 2

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Brooke's POV:

Me: "Stop hiding behind your Foot-bots and face us, Shredder!"

Shredder: "You are beneath me, child."

Then, more bots come out to fight. One kicks us through the wooden gates to reveal another space with even more Foot-bots surrounding a large pool of sewer water. After a long time fighting them, we get tripped by one of the fallen bots to fall down the rocky terrain and into the water. We return to the surface, practically out of breath from the exhaustion this brings us. I turn to look behind us with a roll of my eyes at what is now being dealt to us.

Me: "You still-*pants*-ready to fight, big brother?"

Leo: "Like you even-*pants*- need to ask."

Me: "Good, because we've got company."

He turns to follow my gaze as Fishface, Rahzar, and Tiger Claw charge toward us. Fueled by our frustration, we take them down with ease, minus a few bruising hits from them. Leo gets hit in the throat by Rahzar while Tiger Claw shoves me back into the water. I come up to the surface edge to see Shredder standing behind Leo. I leap off the ground with my powers and feet to push Leo away from Shredder as he delivers a final me. I scream as the pain washes over me. I fly through the air before harshly hitting my head and rolling to the ground.

Leo: "Brooke!"

Leo rushes over and holds my head up as I softly smile through gritted teeth.

Me: "Whatever it takes. Right, big brother?"

Leo: "Brooke, just hang on and keep your eyes open. Please."

As much as I try to, my eyes droop shut, and I slip into unconsciousness.

3rd Person POV:

After Brooke lost consciousness, Leo got them out via smoke bomb and broke into April's apartment through the window. Everyone gasps in surprise at the sudden entrance, but Raph, on the other hand...

Raph: "Brooke?"

Raph's POV:

No, this can't be happening. She has to be-Why didn't she tell me-Why? Leo gently hands her over to Donnie with a basic report of what happened.

Leo: *hoarsely* "Shredder, Fishface, Rahzar, & Tiger Claw ambushed us, and we both fought them off before Fishface tossed her into the water. She saved me from Shredder's final attack, but he still hurt her, and she got knocked out from the impact."

Donnie: "I can't do much for her here. When we get to the farmhouse, I can-"

Then, we hear a voice from outside.

Tiger Claw: "Come out, turtles! We know you're in there."

I growl as Foot-bots come in through the way Leo did. I gently take Brooke into my arms as April leads us through the hallway and downstairs to her dad's vehicle.

Kirby: "It's my old party wagon from back in my hipster days. Groovy."

Then, a glob of mutagen hits him from behind.

April: "Not again."

We all leap into the back of the van while Casey rushes into the driver's seat.

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