The Pulverizer: Part 2

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Brooke's POV:

Leo: "Donnie, how do I stop thins thing?"

Donnie: "Don't."

Leo & I: "What?!"

Donnie: "Trust me!"

Donnie presses a button as the dead end lifts to shoot us out of an alley and into the street.

Raph: "Donnie, you're awesome!"

Mikey: "This thing have a stereo?"

Donnie: "What good would this thing be without some tunes?"

Donnie presses the button for the stereo, and heavy metal music begins to play. Raph pops out of the cover on the roof, only to signal for Leo's attention. We pull over and see the Purple Dragons headed out of a store.

Leo: "Purple Dragons?-*laughs* -Oh, this night keeps getting better and better."

Raph: "Oh, yeah, it's like candy for my knuckles. And tonight's Halloween."

I catch a shadowed figure from the corner of the monitor.

Me: "Ok, but who the heck is that guy?"

Pulverizer: "Excuse me, boys. I think you forgot to pay for that. But don't worry. I accept cash, check, or teeth."

Leo: "Huh, that was a pretty good line."

Fong: "What are you gonna do? There's one of you and three of us."

Pulverizer: "Oh, you wanna call a couple friends, make it even?"

Raph: "This guy's got guts."

Pulverizer: "It's time to face the wrath of the Pulverizer!"

Mikey: "This is gonna be great."

Pulverizer makes a few rookie moves but doesn't do any actual fighting.

Leo: "Or not."

Fong stalks towards Pulverizer and starts beating him up as we groan in sympathy.

Mikey: "Oh, the Pulverizer's getting just-Well, I don't know the word but, we gotta help him."

Me: "So much for a night off."

The five of us rush out of the Shellraiser and stand between Fong & the Pulverizer.

Leo: "How do you like the odds now, Fong?"

Pulverizer: "Whoa, the Turtles & Queen B!"

Donnie: "How does he know who we-"

Fong takes a swing at Donnie, and the fight begins. The Pulverizer gets tossed around throughout everything, taking the edge off our ability to fight. By the end, we hear police sirens approaching, letting the Purple Dragons escape as Pulverizer follows us.

Pulverizer: "Uh, hey, great teamwork, guys!"

Raph: "Look, I don't know who you think you are, or what you think you're doing, but don't."

Raph closes the doors in his face, and Leo drives us home. When we get there, we open the door to find that the Pulverizer's mask accidentally got caught between the doors.

Donnie: "Are you ok?"

Pulverizer: "Sure. You can survive with just one kidney, right?"

Raph: "Great, first this doofus gets in the way of a good Purple Dragons stomping, and now he knows where our lair is?"

Pulverizer: "Oh, no problem. I blacked out most of the way here."

Donnie: "How do you even know we exist?"

Pulverizer: "Oh, I saw you months ago."

Apparently, he saw us the night we fought Baxter Stockman.

Pulverizer: *to Leo* "You were like, 'Let's finish this!'-*to Raph*-Oh, and you were, like, all, 'You're going down!' -*to Mikey*-and then you were, like, all, 'Bees!'-*to Donnie & I*-Oh, and you guys were, like-You were like the strong silent types."

Mikey: "Dudes, we have a stalker."

Pulverizer: "You inspired me to become a hero. I saw you guys, and I thought, 'What have they got that I haven't got?"

Donnie: "Years of training under a grand master of ninjitsu?"

Pulverizer: "No, an awesome costume. Where'd you get yours, by the way?"

Me: "They're not wearing costumes. They're mutants."

Pulverizer: "Right."

Pulverizer pokes Mikey's arm and shell to clarify.

Pulverizer: "Cool! How do I do that?"

Raph: "You, stop talking. We gotta get him outta here."

Me: "Uh, Raph."

I point behind him to show them Pulverizer's running around the lair.


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