Never Say Xever: Part 3

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Brooke's POV:

The turtles & I are standing on the edge of a rooftop across the street from a tattoo parlor. According to April, the parlor is the Purple Dragons' signature place to meet before going who-knows-where.

Me: "April said this was the place."

Mikey: "Cool. Can we get tattoos? I want to get one of my face on my face. It'll be like I'm wearing a mask and the mask is me."

We all stare at him in confusion as crosses his arms and turns to us with a confident grin.

Mikey: "I just blew your minds, right?"

Donnie raises his index finger to point out something that might sway Mikey out of his request.

Donnie: "You know they use needles for that."

Raph signals for our attention as he turns back to the tattoo parlor with a 'tough guy' look.

Raph: "Can it, dorks. There he is."

We follow his gaze to see Fong walking out of the tattoo parlor and down the street into an old fortune cookie factory. We leap off the roof to break through the window and land in a defensive stance.

Leo: "Freeze, dirtbags."

Fong turns to us in surprise while Chris Bradford walks over to stand next to him, along with his friend from the last time we saw one another.

Me: "Oh boy."

Xever: "I think we can find them ourselves."

Mikey: "Oh, man. This is awkward. It's Chris Bradford, my ex-friend. And that other guy."

Xever: "The name is Xever. So you don't forget, I'll write it on your shells."

He pulls out a pair of butterfly knives with a menacing grin.

Xever: "With these."

{Time skip}

Since the start of our battle, we've managed to take down one of the three Purple Dragons, but Fong's still putting up quite a fight. He rushes to attack me from behind with a meat cleaver, but I dodge and kick him to hit the wall face-first. As he turns to face me, I hold him up against the wall with one of my kamas aimed at his neck.

Me: "You're making me very sorry I let you go."

I see Xever running to attack me from behind, and he succeeds and knocks me into a stack of wooden crates. I groan as I see him running toward me. I leap out of the way, but he follows me and pulls me towards him with his hand wrapped tightly around my wrist. Luckily, Raph leaps over to shove him away from me, Xever's grip loosening in surprise. They roll over one another before Xever kicks Raph into the air. Raph lands on the side of the wall, his feet & hands cushioning the blow as he slides down to stand in front of Xever. He pulls out his sais as Leo rushes to our aid with his katanas aimed at Xever from behind.

Meanwhile, Mikey's fighting the third Purple Dragon while Donnie takes on Bradford. Chris dodges Donnie's attacks before kicking him as hard as possible. As Chris holds up a heavily injured Donnie, Mikey turns to him with a menacing look as he aims his nunchucks' blades at Chris. Unfortunately, Chris catches the nunchuck as he turns to Mikey with a cocky grin. Mikey's eyes widen in shock as Chris leaps into the lair, pulling the nunchucks' chain to grab Mikey before slamming both turtles into the ground. As they both rise to stand, Donnie leaning on Mikey for support, an ambush of Foot ninjas burst into the factory. Surrounded & outnumbered, we have no choice but the retreat to the lair. Leo & I share a look as we nod in the understanding of one another's idea.

Leo: "Ninjas, fall back!"

Raph turns to Leo with an annoyed look as the Foot throw ninja stars at us, and some miss us, and we deflect others with our weapons.

Raph: "We're giving up? Again? Are you kidding me?"

Me: "Yes, it's all part of our hilarious 'let's all live' routine."

We all leap onto the ceiling's railing before leaping out the way we came.

Xever: "Hey! Stay and fight, you cold blooded cowards!"

{Quick time skip}

Back at the lair, the guys are all spread out in the living room, frowning dejectedly at our loss of the battle. Meanwhile, I can't help but replay Xever's voice, shuddering as I remember how close he had me to him, rubbing my wrist that he had held so tightly. Raph stands to punch the attack dummy.

Raph: "Man, could that fight have been anymore embarrassing?"

Mikey: "Sure, we could've been hit in the face with pies."

Raph turns to Mikey with a growl, causing me to flinch slightly in my seat on the couch. Raph must've noticed because he leaps over to sit beside me on the couch. His look softens as he puts an arm around my shoulder and pulls me closer to sit on his lap. I cuddle into his plastron, relieved he's not too angry over our defeat to comfort me.

Leo: "It's called fighting smart, Raph. The Purple Dragons have Bradford & Xever on their side now. Last time, we barely beat those guys."

Raph's grip tightens, his angered tone returning as he speaks to Leo.

Raph: "Yeah, because they're willing to fight to the finish. The only way to beat them is to be just as ruthless as they are."

Splinter walks to stand before us, glancing at me with a look of concern. I nod to signal that I'm ok as long as Raph's here. He smiles slightly before turning to Leo & Raph with a stern look.

Splinter: "This Xever can cross lines that you won't. This may make him dangerous, but it does not make him strong."

Raph: "But Xever wins fights. Isn't that what matters? And he never shows anyone mercy."

Leo: "That's not a good thing, Raph. If Xever's as ruthless as he seems, imagine what he might've done with Brooke if we hadn't stepped in."

I recoil into Raph's plastron at the thought. Raph's eyes widen as he turns to me with concern. He nods before turning to Donnie.

Raph: "Fair enough. Donnie, think you can check out Brooke's wrist?"

Donnie nods as Raph turns to me with a concerned look.

Raph: "You need me to go in there with you?"

I look at him with a soft smile as I shake my head.

Me: "I'll be fine, Raph. I trust Donnie to be careful. I'm tougher than I look."

Raph chuckles as he kisses my forehead.

Raph: "I know you are."

I turn to Donnie as he extends his arm to me with a friendly smile. I take his hand as he leads me to the lab.


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